Обавештење студентима докторских студија

13.08.2015. - 21:19 

SETAC is seeking the 2015 for nomination packets for the SETAC / Procter & Gamble Fellowship for Doctoral Research in Environmental Science. This fellowship, sponsored by the Procter & Gamble Company, will provide 15,000 (USD) for 1-year Ph.D. studies. The fellowship for 2015 will target students in Europe/Africa. The deadline for the application is 8 September 2015.

Topics for the 2015 Fellowship are listed below.
1. Methods to Determine Fate of Chemicals in Solid and Water Waste Systems.
2. Rapid Approaches to Estimate Bioaccumulation, Bioavailability or Mode of Toxicity.
3. Animal Alternative, In Vitro and In Silico Methods for Environmental Assessments.
4. New Methods to Extrapolate Laboratory Measures of Environmental Fate and Effects to the Field.
5. Use of LCA and Other Methods to Assess Sustainability of Chemicals, Products and Energy.
6. Using Environmental Science for Critical Evaluation of "Green Chemistry" and Ecolabel Schemes.
7. Use of Environmental Science and Risk Assessment in Sound Management and Regulation of Chemical

Doctoral students who are SETAC members and whose research area and academic standing are consistent with the research topics may apply. The student's major professor/dissertation director must have a good academic record and be or become a SETAC member. Because the award is paid to the recipient's institution to cover costs and because no overhead expenses are allowed, it is necessary that an authorized representative approve the application on behalf of the institution and certify that none of the award will be spent on overhead.

Please visit SETAC
/Procter & Gamble Fellowship for more instruction on the application packet and information on the award itself.

If you have questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact Laura Swanson at SETAC Pensacola office by email laura.swanson@setac.org or by phone 1-850-469-1500 ext. 103.