ADRION Transnational Master in Renewable Energy

22.09.2023. - 14:00 
ADRION Transnational Master in Renewable Energy

The “ADRION TRANSNATIONAL MASTER IN RENEWABLE ENERGY” (ADRION TRAINEE) project acknowledges the significant interest in renewable energy topics among the countries in the Adriatic-Ionian region and facilitates and promotes the energy transition by creating a joint master’s degree program focused on renewable energy.

The project operates through a collaboration of six partners representing different regions within the focused area, comprising three EU countries (GR, IT and HR) and three IPA countries (RS, BiH and AL).

The primary goals of the project are:
The creation of a cross-border university and business network, as well as
The development of a collaborative master’s program through a capacity-building initiative in renewables and a knowledge-sharing strategy

The main strategy embraces a transdisciplinary approach that is founded on principles of mutual learning and context-based knowledge. It encourages mobility and combines the benefits of both live courses and online activities to maximize the learning potential

CALL:  5th Extraordinary call for proposals - Priority Axes 1 and 2
Programme Priority: 2. Sustainable Region
Specific Objective: Enhance the capacity in transnationally tackling environmental vulnerability,
fragmentation, and the safeguarding of ecosystem services in the Adriatic-Ionian area

Start date: 02-01-2023  End date:  30-09-2023
Total Budget: EUR 935,750.00
ERDF: EUR 635,235.41
IPAII:  EUR 160,152.06

1. University of Patras, Department of Chemical Engineering, Greece (Lead Partner)
2. University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, Italy
3. University of Venice – IUAV, Italy
4. University of Zagreb, Croatia
5. Algebra University College, Croatia
6. Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
    Contact person: Prof. dr Boris Dumnić
7. International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
8. University of Tirana, Albania
9. Green Technologies Ltd, Greece
10. Energo-data, Croatia
11. Solar Info Community srl (Benefit Enterprise), Italy


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