Fakultet tehničkih nauka

prof. dr Goran Stojanović

Redovni profesor

Prof. dr Goran Stojanović (www.stojanovicgoran.com) je redovni profesor na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Oblast njegovog istraživanja predstavljaju inovativni senzori, mikrofluidni čipovi, nanoelektronika, savitljiva elektronika. Autor je 2 knjige („Materijali u elektrotehnici“ i „Nanoelektronika i primena nanomaterijala“), 1 zbirke zadataka („Materijali u elektrotehnici – zbirka rešenih zadataka“) i 1 praktikuma („Karakterizacija i testiranje elektronskih komponenti“). Do sada je bio mentor 11 doktoranada, 60 master radova i 35 bečelor/diplomskih radova. Autor ili koautor 260 naučnih radova od toga 99 u časopisima sa SCI liste (sa impakt faktorom). Trenutni h-indeks je 16. U prethodnih 14 godina je privukao više od 14.8 miliona evra projektnih sredstva iz Evropskih fondova, zahvaljujući projektima koje je napisao i uspešno implementirao. Predavač po pozivu na 12 međunarodnih konferencija. Recenzent u 10 međunarodnih časopisa sa SCI liste. Osnivač i lider grupe za nano i fleksibilnu elektroniku, koja redovno učestvuje na Noći istraživača i na Festivalu nauke. Eksterni član komisija za odbranu doktorskih disertacija na Milan Polytechnic, Italija i Autonomous University Barcelona, Španija. Linkovi: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Goran-Stojanovic-2 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xzeI4CcAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/goran-stojanovic-83154917/?originalSubdomain=rs https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2098-189X Selektovane publikacije (5): 1. G. Stojanović, M. Radetić, Z. Šaponjić, M. Radoičić, M. Radovanović, Ž. Popović, S. Vukmirović, “Textile-based microfluidic platform for detection of cytostatic drug concentration from sweat samples”, Applied Sciences (IF: 2.474), 10, 4392; 2020. ISSN: 2076-3417. 2. G. Stojanović, J. Nikodinović-Runić, S. Švenderman, T. Kojić, M. Radovanović, M. Mikov, D. Ranđelović, “Comprehensive characterization of elastomeric polyhydroxyalkanoate and its sensor applications”, Materials Science and Engineering: C (IF: 5.880), vol. 115, October 2020, 111091, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2020.111091 3. G. Stojanović, T. Kojić, M. Radovanović, D. Vasiljević, S. Panić, V. Srdić, J. Cvejić, “Flexible sensors based on two conductive electrodes and MWCNTs coating for efficient pH value measurement”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (IF: 4.650), vol. 794, pp. 76-83, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.04.243, ISSN: 0925-8388. 4. G. Stojanović, M. Paroški, N. Samardžić, M. Radovanović, D. Krstić, “Microfluidics-based four fundamental electronic circuit elements resistor, inductor, capacitor and memristor”, Electronics (IF: 2. 412), vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 960-972, 2019, https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics8090960, ISSN: 2079-9292. 5. G. Stojanović, M. Radovanović, D. Krstić, I. Ignjatović, J. Dragaš, V. Carević, “Determination of pH in powdered concrete samples or in suspension”, Applied Sciences (IF: 2.474), 2019, 9(16), 3257. Selektovani projekti (10): 1. “Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems - WBC-.RRI.NET” – WBC-RRI.NET (1.99 MEUR), H2020-SwafS-2020-1, no. 101006279, 2021-2024, Coordinator. 2. “Twinning for reaching sustainable scientific and technological excellence in the field of Green Electronics” – GREENELIT (0.89 MEUR) H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-5, no. 951747, 2020-2023, Coordinator. 3. “ERA Chair for emerging technologies and innovative research in Stretchable and Textile Electronics” – STRENTEX, (2.47 MEUR) H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-2020, no. 854194, 2020-2024, Coordinator. 4. “Innovative bio-inspired sensors and microfluidic devices for saliva-based theranostics of oral and systemic diseases” – SALSETH, (0.851 MEUR), H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019, 2019-2023, Coordinator. 5. “Innovative Network for Training in wAter and Food QUality monitoring using Autonomous SENSors and IntelligEnt Data Gathering and Analysis – AQUASENSE”, H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, 2018-2022, Leader of FTS-UNS team. 6. “Cost-effective microfluidic electronic devices for optimal drug administration based on fractional pharmacokinetics for leukemia treatments - MEDLEM”, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015, no. 690876, 2016-2019, Coordinator. 7. “Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia - IF4TM”, ERASMUS+, no. 561655-EPP-1-2015-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, Leader of UNS team. 8. “Students' mobility capacity building in higher education in Ukraine and Serbia - MILETUS”, ERASMUS, 2016-2019, Leader of UNS team. 9. “Cross-border Knowledge and Technology Transfer Platform to support young researchers and innovative SMEs and to catalyze their business-academia type cooperation”, IPA Cross border cooperation Hungary-Serbia, 2018-2020, Member of the UNS team. 10. “Low-cost and energy-efficient LTCC sensor/IR-UWB transceiver solutions for sustainable healthy environment – SENSEIVER”, FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN, no. 289481, Coordinator. Selektovane nagrade i priznanja Prof. Dr. Goran Stojanović (5): 1. The gold medal (illustrated below) on the International symposium of patents and innovation technologies “ARCHIMEDES’2011“, Moscow, Russia, April 2011, for the innovation of the sensor for measuring water content in building materials. 2. Award for the best papers for adults at the International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference EPE-PEMC’2010, Macedonia, for the paper “Performance Analysis of LTCC transformers for application in DC/DC converters”. 3. Second prize for the best paper at the 33rd IEEE Components, packaging, manufacturing and technology conference, Pszezyna, Poland, 21-24 September, 2009, for the paper entitled “A Sensitivity Improvement of Non Contact LTCC Resonant Sensor”. 4. Award as a best professor at the Faculty of Technical Sciences according to the anonymous evaluation of the teaching process from the side of the students, for the year 2008. 5. “Dr Zoran Đinđić” a prestigious national award as the best researcher (under the age 35) in Vojvodina, Serbia for the year 2007.