Subject: Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection System (06 - Z205)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Environment Protection Engineering
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2007..

The course objective is to introduce students to the concept of sustainable development, environmental protection system, legislation in the field of environment and global environmental issues. Course should enable students to understand complex relationships between stockholders of the sustainable development, as well as to point out the necessity of multidisciplinary approach to the problem.
Students should use acquired knowledge in further education, in professional courses above all. Mastering this course is the starting point in the courses which have the objective to solve existing problems in the field of environmental engineering.
Theoretical lectures: Natural resources, Inexhaustible – exhaustible resources, EU thematic strategy as a frame for sustainable use of natural resources, Natural resources and national strategy of Serbia for the accession to the EU, Elements of the environment being regulated, Concepts of integral environmental protection and control; Rio conference and Agenda 21, Conference in Johannesburg, Environmental protection convention, International organizations, EU laws in the field of environmental protection, EU thematic strategies and strategy for accession of Serbia to the EU, National legislation in the field of environmental protection. Global atmospheric changes, Potential of global warming, Prediction of moderate global temperatures, Regional impact of temperature change, CDM change, Systematic connection of sustainable use of natural resources and the living environment, System of national accounts and increase in national income as a sustainable development indicator, Economic indicators, Practical lectures: During lectures, adequate examples related to the knowledge from the lectures are elaborated with active participation of students.
Lectures, Auditory Practice and Consultations. Lectures: Theoretical part of the course is presented with examples which have the objective to master the knowledge more easily. During auditory practice, the knowledge from the lectures in studied in more detail with active participation of students. Besides lectures and auditory practice, consultations are held on the regular basis. The course is divided in two wholes followed by two colloquiums. The first whole is: The concept of sustainable development, Environmental protection system and legislation in the field of living environment. The second whole is: Global issues of the living environment.
Mihajlov, A., Vujić, G., Ubavin, D.Održivo korišćenje prirodnih resursa2007Skripta, interno izdanje FTNSerbian language
López, Ramón, and Michael A. Toman.Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability - New Policy Options2006Oxford: Oxford University PressEnglish
Daniel B. Botkin, Edward A. KellerEnvironmental Science2003John Wiley &sons, incEnglish
Anđelka N. MihajlovOdrživi razvoj i životna sredina ka Evropi u 95 koraka2005Privredna komora Srbije i "Ambasadori životne sredine"Serbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes70.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Ubavin Dejan
Full Professor

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Dimkić Milan
Science Adviser

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Batinić Bojan
Associate Professor

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Tot Bojana
Assistant with PhD

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Cvetković Dragana
Science Associate

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