Subject: Fundamentals in Hydromechanics and Hydrotechnics (17 - GG18)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Hydrotechnics
Native organizations units

Department of Civil Engineering
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2007..

Enabling students in fundamental areas to obtain professional knowledge and application in practice.
Acquired knowledge is used as a base for further upgrades in professional courses.
Fundamentals in hydrology and hydrometrics. Physical and chemical properties of fluids. Hydrostatics, piezzometer, manometer, absolute, atmospheric and hydrostatic pressure. Pressure forces onto flat and complex surfaces, fluid pressure onto pipe and reservoir walls. Hydro-kinematics, fluid velocity, flow, continuity equation, constant flow equation for ideal and real fluids. Application of Bernoulli`s equation in concrete examples. Flow in pipelines, line and local losses of mechanical energy. Constant flow in conductors with open channels. Uniform flow with open channels, Chezy and Manning`s equation, flow regimes “steady”, “turbulent” and “critical”. Non-uniform flow with open channels, transition regimes. Short structures, overflows, outflow and flow around bridge piers. Basic postulates in ground water flow, under pressure with open channels, Darcy`s groundwater flow equation.
Teaching is held interactively in the form of lectures. In lectures, theoretical part of the course content is presented and accompanied by characteristic examples for better understanding of the course content. Apart from lectures, consultations are held regularly. Student can find lecture presentations in the electronic form as well. Part of the course content, making a logical segment, can be taken during the teaching process in the form of partial examination. Partial examinations are taken in written form, as tests.
Hajdin, G.Uvođenje u hidrauliku2002Građevinski fakultet, BeogradSerbian language
Batinić R., Radojković M.Stacionarno strujanje u otvorenim tokovima prizmatičnog preseka1973Građevinski fakultet, BeogradSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Computer excersise defenceYesYes25.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes40.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Oral part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Kolaković Srđan
Full Professor

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Jeftenić Goran
Assistant Professor

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Milić Marijana
Assistant - Master

Practical classes
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Jeftenić Goran
Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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Jeftenić Goran
Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes
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Milić Marijana
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes