General information

Type of studies
Master Academic Studies

Academic degree
Master umetnik scenskog dizajna (Mast. um. scen. diz.)

Educational field

Scientific, professional or art field
Primenjene umetnosti i dizajn; Arhitektura

Duration (year/sem)
1 / 2

Total ECTS

 Management staff for the study programme
First name and Last name
Missing picture!Chief

Dimitrovska Daniela
Assistant Professor

Historical data about the study programmes responsible staff not found!


Year: 1, Semester: Winter

Theory of Scene Architecture and Design22200.006
Artistic Practices of Scene Design42200.0012
Izborni predmet 130300.006
Professional Practice00006.006

Year: 1, Semester: Summer

Izborni predmet 220200.004
Izborni predmet 320200.004
Scene Design40201.007
Research Study of Theoretical Basis of Master Thesis000100.0010
Production and Graduation of Master Thesis in Arts00005.005