Asistent sa doktoratom Vladimir Živaljević

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Vladimir Živaljević

Asistent sa doktoratom

Academic titleAsistent sa doktoratom
Employee's biography not found!
Assistant with PhD
PositionFromToOrganizational unit
Professional Associate on Project01.05.2023.31.07.2023.Department of Civil Engineering
Assistant - Master01.05.2020.30.04.2023.Chair of Structures
Assistant - Master01.05.2017.30.04.2020.Chair of Structures
Function nameFromOrganizational unit
Secretary of Chair01.10.2021.Chair of Structures
Data about the employee's functions not found.
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Asistent sa doktoratomTheory of ConstructionFaculty of Technical Sciences01.08.2023.
Assistant - MasterTheory of ConstructionFaculty of Technical Sciences01.05.2020.
Assistant - MasterTheory of ConstructionFaculty of Technical Sciences01.05.2017.