Asistent sa doktoratom Petar Janjatović

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Petar Janjatović

Asistent sa doktoratom

Academic titleAsistent sa doktoratom
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Assistant with PhD
PositionFromToOrganizational unit
Professional Associate-Laboratory01.04.2023.30.09.2023.Chair of Materials and Joining Technologies
Professional Associate-Laboratory01.01.2023.31.03.2023.Chair of Materials and Joining Technologies
Assistant - Master01.01.2020.31.12.2022.Chair of Materials and Joining Technologies
Assistant - Master01.01.2017.31.12.2019.Chair of Materials and Joining Technologies
Professional Associate-Laboratory01.12.2016.Chair of Materials and Joining Technologies
Teaching Associate01.12.2014.01.11.2016.Chair of Materials and Joining Technologies
Criterium of productionDescription
() Research published in the top international journalBaloš S., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Zabunov I., Klobčar D., Bušić M., Grilli M.: Metal Oxide Nanoparticle-Based Coating as a Catalyzer for A-TIG Welding: Critical Raw Material Perspective, Metals, 2019, Vol. 9, No 5/567, pp. 1-12, ISSN 2075-4701
() Research published in the top international journalBaloš S., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Zabunov I., Pilić B., Goel S., Szutkowska M.: Suppressing the Use of Critical Raw Materials in Joining of AISI 304 Stainless Steel Using Activated Tungsten Inert Gas Welding, Metals, 2019, Vol. 9, No 11/1187, pp. 1-13, ISSN 2075-4701
() Research published in the top international journalBaloš S., Janjatović P., Dramićanin M., Labus Zlatanović D., Pilić B., Hanus P., Jaworska L.: Microstructure, Microhardness, and Wear Properties of Cobalt Alloy Electrodes Coated with TiO2 Nanoparticles, Metals, 2019, Vol. 9, No 11/1186, pp. 1-10, ISSN 2075-4701
() Research published in the international journalBaloš S., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Savković B., Kovač P., Janjatović P.: Tensile and fatigue properties, machinability and machined surface roughness of Al-Si-Cu alloys, Revista Materia, 2019, Vol. 24, No 03, ISSN 1517-7076
() Research published in the international journalBaloš S., Radisavljević I., Rajnović D., Janjatović P., Dramićanin M., Erić Cekić O., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Ballistic Behaviour of Austempered Compacted Graphite Iron Perforated Plates, Defence Science Journal, 2019, Vol. 69, No 6, pp. 571-576, ISSN 0011-748X
() Research published in the international journalDramićanin M., Baloš S., Janjatović P., Zabunov I., Grabulov V.: ACTIVATED FLUX TIG WELDING OF STAINLESS-STEEL PIPES , Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly / CI&CEQ, 2019, Vol. 25, No 4, pp. 353-360, ISSN 1451-9372, UDK: 621.791:669.14.018.8
() Invited lectures from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBaloš S., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Labus Zlatanović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Benefits of introducing nano particles in welding and hardfacing, 1. Dan varilne tehnike, zbornik predavanj - Dan novih tehnologij in postopkov varjenja, Ljubljana: Zveza drustev za varilno tehniko Slovenije, 2 Decembar, 2016, ISBN 978-961-90183-5-4
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyDramićanin M., Baloš S., Janjatović P., Zabunov I., Pećanac M., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: A-TIG IN PIPE WELDING, 4. The IIW South-East European Welding Congress, Beograd, 10-13 Oktobar, 2018, pp. 1-5, ISBN 978-86-82585-13-8
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyJanjatović P., Savković B., Kovač P., Baloš S., Dramićanin M., Zabunov I.: THE INFLUENCE OF WELDING SPEED AND CURRENT IN WELD SHAPE IN FORCE ARC PROCESS, 4. The IIW South-East European Welding Congress, Beograd, 10-13 Oktobar, 2018, pp. 1-5, ISBN 978-86-82585-13-8
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBaloš S., Rajnović D., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Labus Zlatanović D., Eric-Cekic O., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Satram Effect During Wear of ADI Materials Against SiC, 8. PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology - ICET, Novi Sad, 8-10 Jun, 2017, pp. 1-5
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBaloš S., Radisavljevic I., Rajnović D., Janjatović P., Dramićanin M., Eric-Cekic O., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: SITRAM Effect in Ballistic Testing of Perforated Plates Made of ADI Materials, 8. PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology - ICET, Novi Sad, 8-10 Jun, 2017, pp. 1-5, ISBN 978-86-7892-934-2
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyLabus Zlatanović D., Baloš S., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Optimization of Tool Geometry and Friction Stir Processing Parameters in AA5754 H111 Alloy, 8. PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology - ICET, Novi Sad, 8-10 Jun, 2017, pp. 1-5
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBaloš S., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Dramićanin M., Labus Zlatanović D., Rajnović D., Janjatović P., Zabunov I.: Cellulose Electrodes Enhanced With TiO2 Nanoparticles, 18. International Scientific Conference - TRANSFER, Trenčianske Teplice, 23-24 Novembar, 2017, pp. 1-7, ISBN 978-80-8075-787-8
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBaloš S., Radisavljevic I., Rajnović D., Janjatović P., Dramićanin M., Erić Cekić O., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Zabunov I.: Ballistic Properties Of Perforated Plates Made Of Austempered Ductile Iron, 18. International Scientific Conference - TRANSFER, Trenčianske Teplice, 23-24 Novembar, 2017, pp. 1-7
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBaloš S., Dramićanin M., Labus Zlatanović D., Janjatović P., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: GMAW welding of MPM sheets in active gas, 8. The International Conference "Innovative technologies for joining advanced materials" - TIMA, Timisoara: National R&D institute for welding and material testing - ISIM Timisoara, 2-3 Jun, 2016, pp. 75-78
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsBaloš S., Janjatović P., Labus Zlatanović D., Dramićanin M., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Effect of Tunneling Defect in Friction Stir Welding of Al-Mg Alloys, 1. EMRS Fall Meeting, Varšava, 18-21 Septembar, 2017
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsRajnović D., Baloš S., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Labus Zlatanović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Erić Cekić O.: Possibility of ADI material use as replacement of high Cr carbidic irons , 1. EMRS Fall Meeting, Varšava, 18-21 Septembar, 2017
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsRajnović D., Maćaš M., Janjatović P., Dramićanin M., Labus Zlatanović D., Baloš S., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Depletion of CRM alloying elements from the surface layer during hot isostatic pressing of superalloy IN100 , 1. EMRS Fall Meeting, Varšava, 18-21 Septembar, 2017
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsBaloš S., Labus Zlatanović D., Janjatović P., Dramićanin M., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Work Hardening and Wear Resistance Increase by Friction Stir Processing for Partial Magnesium Replacement in Aluminium Alloys, 1. EMRS Fall Meeting, Varšava, 18-21 Septembar, 2017
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsBaloš S., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Labus Zlatanović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Friction Stir Welding of Al-Mg Alloys as a Replacement of Mg and Si consumables in GMAW and GTAW welding , 1. EMRS Fall Meeting, Varšava, 18-21 Septembar, 2017
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsBaloš S., Radisavljević I., Janjatović P., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Dramićanin M., Erić Cekić O.: Austempered Ductile Iron Perforated Plate with an Increased Mass Effectiveness, 1. EMRS Fall Meeting, Varšava, 18-21 Septembar, 2017
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsRajnović D., Baloš S., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Labus Zlatanović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Erić Cekić O.: Cavitation behavior of unalloyed ADI material used as replacement components, 1. EMRS Fall Meeting, Varšava, 18-21 Septembar, 2017
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsBaloš S., Rajnović D., Janjatović P., Dramićanin M., Erić Cekić O., Radisavljević I., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Austempered Vermicular Iron Perforated Plates, 1. EMRS Fall Meeting, Varšava, 18-21 Septembar, 2017
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsBaloš S., Radisavljević I., Janjatović P., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Dramićanin M., Erić Cekić O.: Austempered Ductile Iron Perforated Plate with an Increased Ballistic Protection , 1. EMRS Fall Meeting, Varšava, 18-21 Septembar, 2017
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsRajnović D., Baloš S., Janjatović P., Dramićanin M., Labus Zlatanović D., Erić Cekić O., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Microstructure and fracture mode of ballistic perforated plates made of unalloyed ADI material, 16. European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, 29-2 Avgust, 2016, pp. 1-2, ISBN 9783527808465
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsDramićanin M., Baloš S., Rajnović D., Labus Zlatanović D., Janjatović P., Erić Cekić O., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: The microstructure influence on abrasive wear behaviour of ductile irons, 16. European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, 29-2 Avgust, 2016, pp. 1-2
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsDramićanin M., Baloš S., Rajnović D., Labus Zlatanović D., Janjatović P., Eric-Cekic O., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Abrasive wear performance of ductile iron with different microstructures, 14. Young Researchers Conference–Materials Science and Engineering, Beograd, 9-11 Decembar, 2015, pp. 37-37, ISBN 978-86-80321-31-8
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsLabus Zlatanović D., Rajnović D., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Baloš S., Erić-Cekić O., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Embrittlement behaviour of two different grades of ADI material in various environments, 14. Young Researchers Conference–Materials Science and Engineering, Beograd, 9-11 Decembar, 2015, pp. 38-38, ISBN 978-86-80321-31-8
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceBaloš S., Janjatović P., Dramićanin M., Labus Zlatanović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Tomić S.: Improvement of Hardfacing Process of Cobalt Based Alloys Using Nanoparticles, Zavarivanje i zavarene konstrukcije, 2017, Vol. 62, No 4, pp. 155-160, ISSN 0354-7965, UDK: 621.791
() Research published in the scientific journalBaloš S., Labus Zlatanović D., Janjatović P., Dramićanin M., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Wear Resistance Increase by Friction Stir Processing for Partial Magnesium Replacement in Aluminium Alloys, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, Vol. 329, ISSN 1757-8981
() Research published in the scientific journalJanjatović P., Baloš S.: Balističke karakteristike perforiranih ploča od ADI materijala, Zbornik radova Fakulteta tehničkih nauka, 2016, Vol. 31, No 5, pp. 785-788, ISSN 0350-428X
() Research published in the scientific journalBaloš S., Dramićanin M., Labus Zlatanović D., Janjatović P., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: GMAW welding of MPM sheets in active gas, Advanced Material Research, 2016, pp. 75-78, ISSN 1662-8985
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyPećanac M., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Trivković (Ristić) M., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Baloš S.: INFLUENCE OF TOOL GEOMETRY ON FRICTION STIR WELDED JOINTS, 13. International Scientific Conference "Flexible Technologies" - MMA, Novi Sad: Faculty of Technical Sciences, 28-29 Septembar, 2018, pp. 267-270, ISBN 978-86-6022-094-5
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyRajnović D., Maćaš M., Ristić M., Janjatović P., Labus Zlatanović D., Baloš S., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L.: Nastanak kontaminiranog sloja i zone bez karbida kod superlegure IN100 prilikom toplog hidrostatičkog presovanja, 11. International Scientific Conference ETIKUM, Novi Sad: FTN , 6-8 Decembar, 2017, pp. 85-88, ISBN 978-86-6022-00-68
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyPećanac M., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Labus Zlatanović D., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Baloš S.: Ručno–elektrolučno zavarivanje rutilnim elektrodama sa modifikovanom oblogom, 11. International Scientific Conference ETIKUM, Novi Sad, 6-8 Decembar, 2017, pp. 93-96, ISBN 978-86-6022-00-68
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyPećanac M., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Labus Zlatanović D., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Baloš S.: UTICAJ GEOMETRIJE RAMENA ALATA NA OSOBINE ZAVARENIH SPOJEVA DOBIJENIH ZAVARIVANJEM TRENJEM SA MEŠANJEM, 11. International Scientific Conference ETIKUM, Novi Sad, 6-8 Decembar, 2017, pp. 97-100, ISBN 978-86-6022-00-68
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBaloš S., Janjatović P., Dramićanin M., Labus Zlatanović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Tomić S.: Unapređenje procesa navarivanja legura kobalta primenom nano čestica, 29. Zavarivanje, Srebrno jezero, 14-17 Septembar, 2016, pp. 52-59, ISBN 978-86-82585-12-1
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyJanjatović P., Baloš S., Radisavljević I., Rajnović D., Dramićanin M., Labus Zlatanović D., Erić-Cekić O., Janjatović P.: Balističke karakteristike preforiranih ploča od ADI materijala, 10. International Scientific Conference ETIKUM, Novi Sad: Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Production Engineering, 23-25 Jun, 2016, pp. 25-28, ISBN 978-86-7892-825-3
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBaloš S., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Dramićanin M., Janjatović P., Labus Zlatanović D., Rajnović D.: Uticaj tunela na osobine zavarenog spoja legure AL 5052 H38, 10. International Scientific Conference ETIKUM, Novi Sad: Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Production Engineering, 23-25 Jun, 2016, pp. 21-24, ISBN 978-86-7892-825-3
() Significantly improved existing product or technologyBaloš S., Janjatović P., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Dramićanin M., Radisavljević I., Erić-Cekić O.: Postuak proizvodnje predoklopa od ADI materijala - ekvivalentan komercijalnim perforiranim pločama od čelika, 2017
() Significantly improved existing product or technologyBaloš S., Janjatović P., Rajnović D., Šiđanin (Sidjanin) L., Dramićanin M., Radisavljević I., Erić-Cekić O.: Postupak proizvodnje predoklopa od ADI materijala sa najvećom masenom efikasnošću, 2017
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Asistent sa doktoratomMaterijali i tehnologije spajanjaFaculty of Technical Sciences01.02.2024.
Assistant - MasterMaterijali i tehnologije spajanjaFaculty of Technical Sciences01.01.2020.
Assistant - MasterMaterijali i tehnologije spajanjaFaculty of Technical Sciences01.01.2017.
Teaching AssociateMaterijali i tehnologije spajanjaFaculty of Technical Sciences01.12.2015.
Teaching AssociateMaterial Science and Engineering MaterialsFaculty of Technical Sciences01.12.2014.