Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Artificial Intelligence in Computer Animations (17.IA024)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Design
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

Obtaining basic knowledge in artificial intelligence and machine learning for practical application to computer vision and computer graphics tasks. Automation and optimization of man-machine cognitive interactivity in order to improve solution efficiency. Problem solving optimization of complex and sophisticated tasks in computer graphics and animations in order to reach high level of autonomy in different applications.

Educational outcome:

The knowledge of basic techniques for artificial intelligence and machine learning and their application for automatic solving of problems in computer vision and computer graphics.

Course content:

Artificial intelligence techniques in 3D scene modelling and rendering. Intelligent techniques for automatic behaviour modelling and animations. Intelligent techniques for visualization, reasoning and interaction. Machine learning for automation of the statistical analysis of large complex datasets by adaptive computing. Machine learning application for various computer graphics and computer vision problems to reach high level of solution autonomy. Graphical models and inferences. Classification methods and neural networks. Probability reasoning through inference. Path Finding algorithms and fuzzy systems. Advanced methods for automatic decision making.

Teaching methods:

Computer practice is based on mastering and understanding basic concepts and techniques in artificial intelligence through practical applications in computer vision and computer graphics problems. Computer practice will be performed using C++ programming language with supporting libraries for artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision and computer graphics. This includes OpenCV, OpenGL, MLC++, LifeAI, Boost, OpenAI, FANN, Ogre3D and other necessary open source libraries. Two subject assignments and one final project are foreseen as pre-exam obligations. Each subject assignment can produce maximally 15% of total points while final project can carry maximally 30% of total points. Student must collect minimum of 30% of points from the pre-exam obligatory tasks in order to be able to take the final theory exam. Final grade of the subject is formed based on teaching and exercise class attendance, collected points on pre-exam tasks and final theory exam success.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
N. Sebe, I. Cohen, A. Garg, T. S. Huang Machine Learning in Computer Vision 2005 Springer English
D. Plemenos, G. Miaoulis Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Computer Graphics 2008 Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 159, Springer English
Bishop, C.M. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 2006 Springer, New York English
- Veštačka inteligencija 2014 Skripta Serbian language
S. Russell, P. Norvig Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 2007 Pearson Education Limited English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00

Asistent Miščević Milan

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
API Image

vanr. prof. dr Krstanović Lidija

Associate Professor


Asistent Milić Lazar

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
API Image

prof. dr Raković Mirko

Full Professor

API Image

doc. dr Banjac Bojan

Assistant Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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