Type of studies | Title |
Doctoral Academic Studies | Mechanical Engineering (Year: 1, Semester: Summer) |
Doctoral Academic Studies | Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering (Year: 1, Semester: Summer) |
Doctoral Academic Studies | Mechatronics (Year: 1, Semester: Summer) |
Category | Scientific-professional |
Scientific or art field | Mehatronika, robotika i automatizacija i integrisani sistemi |
ECTS | 10 |
The goal of the course is that, in accordance with their prior knowledge and interests, students learn about traditional and new areas of industrial robotics and to introduce the research problem.
The outcome of the course are the knowledge and ability of students to understand the issues, particularly the advanced field of industrial robotics and to get involved into research work in this field of study.
Basic concepts and definitions, homogeneous transformations, robot kinematics (direct and inverse problem), Denavit-Hartenbergova notation, Jacobians, synthesis trajectory, the dynamics of robots, robot control, robot programming, sensors in robotics and their application, the application of robots in industrial tasks. Part of the teaching activity on the subject is a self-study research in the field of industrial robotics. Study research includes active monitoring of the primary scientific sources, organization and execution of experiments and statistical data processing, numerical simulation, writing a paper with a topic close to the scientific and teaching area of the subject of student`s doctoral dissertation.
Depending on the number of students teaching activity may have a classic approach (lectures, consultations), or mentoring. Forms of teaching activity are adapted to the number of students and selected chapters. Study research.
Authors | Title | Year | Publisher | Language |
1985 | English | |||
1982 | English | |||
1986 | English | |||
Borovac, B., i dr. | Industrijska robotika | 2017 | Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad | English |
2006 | English | |||
B. Borovac, G. Đorđević, M. Rašić, M. Raković | Zbirka zadataka iz industrijske robotike | 2007 | (u pripremi) | English |
2000 | English |
Course activity | Pre-examination | Obligations | Number of points |
Oral part of the exam | No | Yes | 50.00 |
Term paper | Yes | Yes | 50.00 |
Full Professor
Associate Professor
Full Professor
Assistant Professor
Full Professor
Full Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
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