Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Advanced methods for motion capturing and analysis (17.IA025)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Design
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

Obtaining advanced knowledge about: • motion capturing of rigid and elastic objects and complex human movements including facial expressions, • analysis, postporcessing and optimisation of captured motion

Educational outcome:

Acquiering knowladge in advanced theoretical findings and practical experience in area of motion capture and analzsis of komplex motion of objects and humans. Training and preparation for advanced work with VICON motion capture system. Familiarization with advanced algorithms for postprocessing, and data preparation for further utilization of recorded motion. Partially, the obligation on the course are conducted through the independant research work and/or literature reading in the ???? of interest. Independant research work includes familiarization with state of the art in the area and realization of applications or animation based on recorded motion

Course content:

Introduction to course. Modeling of complex branched systems of rigid bodies. Redundant systems and optimization of motion. Recording and motion synthesys in dynamic unstructured environment. Recording and synthesis of other types of human motion. Recording and synthesis of facial expressions. Postprocessing and optimization methods of human movements. Application in the area of robotics, enertaintment industrz, medicine, sport, art etc.

Teaching methods:

The teaching will be given in the following form: (i) lecturing of theoretical basics, (ii) practical work in the motion capturing lab – motion recording, analysis, post processing and application, (iii) project work in cooperation with lecturers. Teaching is conducted with active participation of students, while practical part is done with motion capturing system, that includes computers, equipment and SW.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Matt Liverman The Animator's Motion Capture Guide: Organizing, Managing, Editing (Charles River Media Game Development) 2004 Charles River Media English
Aurélien Géron Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems 1st Edition 2017 O'Reilly Media English
Alberto Menache Understanding Motion Capture for Computer Animation 2010 Morgan Kaufmann English
1. Zatsiorsky, Vladimir M. Kinematics of human motion 1998 Human Kinetics English
Kitagawa, Midori, and Brian Windsor MoCap for artists: workflow and techniques for motion capture 2012 CRC Press English
Bodo Rosenhahn, Reinhard Klette , et al. Human Motion: Understanding, Modelling, Capture, and Animation 2007 Springer English
Alberto Menache Understanding Motion Capture for Computer Animation (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics) 2nd Edition 2010 Morgan Kaufmann English
Tobon, Ricardo The Mocap Book: A Practical Guide to the Art of Motion Capture 2010 Foris Force English
- Odabrani radovi sa konferencija i iz časopisa -
Midori Kitagawa and Brian Windsor MoCap for Artists: Workflow and Techniques for Motion Capture 2008 Focal Press English
2. Huang, Thomas C., and Subhash C. Reddy Human face motion analysis. Visual Form 1992 Springer US, English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
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prof. dr Raković Mirko

Full Professor

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vanr. prof. dr Šulc Jovan

Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
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prof. dr Obradović Ratko

Full Professor

Computational classes
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vanr. prof. dr Krstanović Lidija

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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