Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Graphic materials (17.F106)

Native organizations units: Chair of Graphic Engineering and Design
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Grafičko inženjerstvo

Acquiring knowledge, competencies and academic skills in the field of graphic materials. Development of creative abilities and mastering specific practical skills in the domain of graphic materials. The intention of the teacher is that through this course the student: learns basic concepts and definitions from the domain of graphic materials, understands the use of these concepts in the context of learning, set up and solve problems, develops the ability to recognize problems in the domain of graphic materials in terms of identification, formulation and possible resolution as well to introduce basic principles of engineering judgment and decision making.

Ability to solve specific problems from the domain of graphic materials. Mastering the methods, procedures and processes for obtaining graphic materials and examining their properties and quality using scientific methods. Ability to develope critical and self-critical thinking and approaches in the field of graphic materials. After this course, the student is able to: connect acquired knowledge with the subjects which they will have in further education as well as to apply it in engineering disciplines that include graphic materials, communicate with other engineers and work in the team, creatively think, demonstrate understanding and skills, and use the acquired knowledge to design new solutions to engineering problems, but also to independently continue learning about graphic materials if needed.

Metal materials. Paper. Historical development of paper. Production of paper and cardboard: obtaining raw materials, preparing of pulp, making paper, paper classification, paper and cardboard test methods. Auxiliary raw materials for making paper and cardboard. Accessories in paper production. Paper refining. Properties of paper and cardboard and their testing. Paper formats. Paper recycling. Graphic dyes: types, composition, role of components and printing properties. Pigments. Binders. Oils. Resin. Polymers. Solvents. Alcohols. Ketones. Esters. Dye-substrate relation. Classification of graphic dyes according to purpose. Production and methods of testing general properties of dyes of importance for application in the graphic industry. New trends in the production of graphic dyes. Drying of graphic dyes. Adhesives in the printing industry and methods for testing their properties. Curing mechanisms of adhesives. Theory of gluing. Polymer materials in graphic engineering: obtaining, applying, forming and testing basic properties. Properties of polymeric materials. Structure of polymeric materials. Packaging polymeric materials. Polymer waste treatment. Significance of polymeric materials in graphic industry. Cover materials. Ceramics. Glass. Materials in 3D printing.

Teaching is performed with modern didactic means and methods, interactively in the form of lectures and laboratory classes. The lectures present the theoretical part of the subject accompanied by characteristic examples for easier understanding of the subject matter. Terms and methods that can be applied to solve a large number of tasks are selected. It is recommended that students actively participate so that each lesson is mastered already in time. In the lectures, one part of the case is done, the rest are done in both classes and at home through homework. In addition to lectures and laboratory classes, consultations are regularly held as well as additional pre-exam consultations. In laboratory classes acquired knowledge is applied in practise on the available laboratory equipment.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Kipphan, H. Handbook of Print Media : Technologies and Production Methods 2001 Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Laboratory exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 40.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Laboratory exercise defence Yes Yes 20.00
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Prof. Prica Miljana

Full Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Adamović Savka

Associate Professor

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Prof. Prica Miljana

Full Professor

Laboratory classes
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Assoc. Prof. Adamović Savka

Associate Professor

Laboratory classes

Asistent sa doktoratom dr Gvoić Vesna

Assistant with PhD

Laboratory classes
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Assoc. Prof. Jurič Ivana

Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
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Asst. Prof. Banjanin Bojan

Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.