Initiating bottom-up management solutions to reduce plastic waste in the Danube Basin - Aquatic Plastic

21.03.2024. - 12:08 
The main objective of the AQUATIC PLASTIC project is to use growing knowledge to significantly reduce riverine litter within water catchment areas like the Danube River Basin (DRB). The project will deliver several outputs, including solutions to cost-efficiently assess microplastic contamination of rivers, solution for managing and recycling large waste deposits collected at HPPs; a software to monitor potential infiltration points; a proactive stakeholder group, the RiverSaver Participatory Platform to enhance water quality in the DRB; a policy advocacy package for the upcoming update of the DRBMP to address riverine litter. By focusing on the largest accumulations of riverine plastic and the empowerment of stakolders, the AQUATIC PLASTIC project aims to achieve significant improvements in river water quality.

Contact person:  Prof. dr Dejan Ubavin
Period of realization: 2024 – 2026
ID: DRP0200235