Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Scenic Function of Architecture & City - Selected Chapters (17.SDD7A)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field
  • Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenski dizajn
  • Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenska arhitektura i tehnika

Establishment and development of students' ability to criticaly observe, study and evaluate scenic functiion of architecture and the city, as well as to creatively apply acquired experiences and knowledge.

Ability to critically observe and creatively apply principles of architectural and urban space functioning in the context of their scenic nature and logic.

Scenic function in the structure of functions of the architecture and and the city. Scene, scenic and dramatic in architecture and the city. Aesthetic aspects of the scenic function. Environmental aspects of the scenic function. Social, political and commercial aspects of the scenic function. Similarities and contradictions between scenic and dramatic functions of architecture and the city.

Lectures, discussions, independent research work.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Risebero, B. Fantastic Form 1992 Herbert Press, London English
Jencks, C. Bizzare Architecture 1979 Willey, London English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projekta No Yes 30.00
Project Yes Yes 70.00
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Assoc. Prof. Pešterac Aleksandra

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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