Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Investment management in traffic (17.S01444)

Native organizations units: Department of Traffic Engineering
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Postal Traffic and Communications
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Acquiring knowledge about the basics of investment management in the organizational, technical and technological sense. By gaining knowledge from the mentioned field, it is possible to get acquainted with the processes of realization of investment projects and the justification of projects in traffic. The problems of planning and realization of investments fall into the essential problems of the development of every society. However, investments are not sufficient in themselves, and this multidisciplinary course will introduce students to the principles of investment and evaluation of investment projects. The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the development of investment projects, the basic content of investment projects and the father of profitability of projects. The analysis of the indicators on the justification of the investment is carried out in the function of the analysis: internal rate of return (IRR), capital return period and net present value of the projec

Educational outcome:

Acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of investment management. Acquiring knowledge in the field of selection and evaluation of those investments and projects that are justified from the aspect of social and economic point of view. Acquiring knowledge about the importance of investments in transport, justification of investments and indicators of justification of investments. Acquiring knowledge about international standards in this field. Teaching and exercises tailored to students of the FTN Traffic Department.

Course content:

- General notions about interments and investing - Application of legal regulations about the need for developing preliminary feasibility studies, feasibility studies and what this type of project should include. - Managing investment process, general principles, phases, aims and criteria. - Elements of a preliminary feasibility study. Input indictors should be processed and analyzed. Content of a preliminary feasibility study. - Elements of a feasibility study. Input indictors should be processed and analyzed. Content of a feasibility study. - Profitability of investment at the level of development of a preliminary feasibility study. - Examples related to projects in thefield of transportation and infrastructure. - Evaluation of investment projects: static evaluation, reduction to present value, dynamic evaluation, social justification, - Cost benefit analysis. Basic principles, establishing costs and benefits. - Investment projects management - Investment financing - Business plan, content and purpose, aims and objectives, principles of development - UNIDO methodology - IMF evaluation of investment projects - Use of quantitative methods in solving investment problems (Delphi method, Viktor method, Prometheus method)

Teaching methods:

Lectures and computer practice.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Adams J.R, Brandt S.E. Martin D.M. Managing by Project 1979 Dayton English
Antić A. Priručnik za investitore 1986 Beograd Serbian language
Projekat Aprissal Project in Developing Countries 1988 London English
Adler, H.A. Economic Appraisal of transport projects : a manual with case studies 1987 Johns Hopkins university press, Baltimore English
Atanasković, P. Upravljanje investicijama u saobraćaju 2017 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 20.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00

prof. dr Atanasković Predrag

Full Professor


Istraživač saradnik Čačić Nataša

Research Associate

Computational classes
API Image

doc. dr Dumnić Slaviša

Assistant Professor

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Phone:  (+381) 21 450 810
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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.