Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Computer graphics (17.RI4A)

Native organizations units: Sub-department for Applied Computer Science and Informatics
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Applied Computer Science and Informatics

Students learn about development and manipulation of elements of computer graphics in 3D space.

The acquired knowledge and skills are used for specific visualization information software using DirectX and/or Open GL, digitalization and processing of graphic materials - Photoshop, CorelDraw and Matlab.

Introduction. Hardware and software architecture ((OpenGL, DirectX, X3D) of graphic computer systems. Overview of 3D grapihcs pipeline. 3D modeling techniques. Model/view transformations. Colors. Local illumination and shading Clipping. Projection. Rasterisation. Hidden surface removal. Texture mapping and effects. Global Illumination. Graphics user interface and devices.

Lectures. Computer practice Consultations. Course material is divided into two parts and is examined in the form of two tests during the course. In practice classes 3D primitives are presented and manipulated using OpenGL or DirecX depending on the student’s choice. The quality of the Practice work is evaluated. Successfully completed practice is a prerequisite for taking the final examination. The examination is written. the final grade is based on the sum of points achieved on examination, tests and practice tasks.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Marschner, S., Shirley, P. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 2016 CRC Press, A K Peters English
Akenine-Möller, T., Heines, E., Hoffman, N. Real-Time Rendering 2006 RC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, Boca Raton English
Foley, J.D. et al. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice 1996 Addison-Wesley, New York English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 50.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 30.00

Prof. Ivetić Dragan

Full Professor


Assoc. Prof. Ivančević Vladimir

Associate Professor


Assistant - Master Stanković Milan

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Zeljković Milena

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
API Image

Assistant - Master Tomić Miroslav

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Tešanović Nedeljko

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
API Image

Assistant - Master Radišić Rade

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Sakal Francišković Teodor

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Teaching Associate Davinić Bogdan

Teaching Associate

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Bursać Vasilije

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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