Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Textures and Lights Design (17.RG001)

General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Design

Colors in Computer Graphics, creating textures for given 3D models, lights setting on the scene, creating a synthetic camera, place camera on the scene, and finally getting a 2D image (rendering).

Creating textures for different 3D models: rigid bodies and animated bodies. Setting the light for two scenes: day and night. Creation of renderers, which are aesthetically and in a technical sense of high quality.

Mapping. Mapping procedure, interpolation, interpolation parameters, linear interpolation in 3D. Mapping techniques: colored, specular, illuminated, transparent, Displacement, Bump, normal. Photographic texture. Stylized texture. Texture resolution. Tilling maps. Graffiti and dirty maps. Map projections: straight, cylindrical and spherical. UV coordinates: implicit and explicit. Textures with pole. 3D mapping. Colors, RGB model. Basic and subtractive colors. Tint, saturation and color intensity. The color of the light and the colors are superficial. Color Scheme. Contrast color, complementary colors. Warm and cold colors. Color balance. Color temperature. Light. Definitions: light, lighting, shading. Light types: ambient, directional, Spot, Spotlight, Area light, Volume light. Shading. Light components. Models of reflection: ideal, imperfect, ideal diffusion. Phong's reflection model. Visualization and light measurement. White, colored, tinted light. Light and water relations, caustic. Basic components of light source: position and orientation, color and intensity, decrease in intensity, shadow. Lighting the scene: Key light, Fill light, Kick and Rim light. Position lights on the scene. Camera. 3D view and synthetic camera. Synthetic camera features: position, orientation, view type, depth of view, focus distance, flat film. Types of cameras in 3D sofver: Target and Free. Viewing control (camera position), lens types, blur. Types of photos. Basics of rendering. Shadow, its visualization, spatial relations. Composition of shadows and contrasts. Shadow Algorithms: Depth map and Raytraced.

Teaching methods are: lectures, practical work in the animation laboratory, projects design and consultation. The lectures and exercises present the contents of the course and require the active participation of students. Through subject projects students are mastering the practical topics.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Watt, A., Policarpo, F. 3D Games : Real-time Rendering and Software Technology 2001 Addison-Wesley, New York English
Dutre, P., Bekaert, P., Bala, K. Advanced Global Illumination 2006 A K Peters/CRC Press, Wellesley English
Katatikarn,J., Tanzillo, M. Lighting for Animation : The Art of Visual Storytelling 2017 Focal Press English
Owen Demers Digital Texturing & Painting 2002 New Riders Publishing English
Jeremy Birn digital Lighting & Rendering 2006 New Riders, USA English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
Homework Yes Yes 5.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
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Prof. Obradović Ratko

Full Professor

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Asst. Prof. Vasiljević Ivana

Assistant Professor


Asst. Prof. Nikolić Dimitrije

Assistant Professor

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Bobić Aleksandra

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Miščević Milan

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Assistant - Master Obradović Miloš

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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