Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Cutting Tools and Fixtures for Flexible Manufacturing Systems (17.P1502K)

General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Metrology, Quality, Fixtures and Ecological-Engineering Aspects

Acquisition of knowledge, competencies and academic skills in the areas of selection, calculation and exploitation of cutting tools and fixtures in flexible manufacturing systems. Development of creative abilities and mastering specific practical skills in the domain of cutting tools and fixtures design for flexible manufacturing systems.

Ability to solve specific problems in the domain of cutting tools and fixtures exploitation in flexible manufacturing systems. Mastering the methods, procedures and processes of selection and calculation of cutting tools and fixtures in flexible manufacturing systems using scientific methods. Development of skills and competences for designing and quality control of cutting tools and fixtures with respect to constructive, energy, economic and ecological principles of sustainable development. Ability to critically and self-critical thinking and approach in defining management strategies for cutting tools and fixtures.

Constructions of cutting tools and fixtures in flexible manufacturing systems. Unification of cutting tools and fixtures. Standardization of cutting tools and fixtures. Optimization of cutting tools and fixtures. Modular of cutting tools and fixtures. Flexible cutting tools and fixtures. Monitoring of cutting tools and fixtures. Manipulating of cutting tools and fixtures. Transport and storage systems of cutting tools and fixtures. Management of cutting tools and fixtures. Indicators and methods of evaluation of quality of cutting tools and fixtures. Rational production, exploitation and maintenance of cutting tools and fixtures. Contemporary trends in the development of cutting tools and fixtures. Automation of processes of selection, design and optimization of cutting tools and fixtures.

Teaching is performed with modern didactic means and methods, interactive in the form of lectures, laboratory and computer exercises. In addition to lectures and exercises, consultations are also held regularly. The lectures show the theoretical part of the material accompanied by characteristic examples for easier understanding of the subject matter. Laboratory exercises are practically applied to the acquired knowledge on the available laboratory equipment. Computer exercise is carried out using information and communication technologies with the aim of mastering the knowledge and skills of the observed area.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Kusiak, A. Modelling and Design of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 1986 Elsevier, Amsterdam English
Barsov, A. Cutting Tool Production 1978 Mir Publishers, Moscow English
Nee, A. Y. C.; Whybrew, K.; Kumar, A. S. Advanced Fixture Design for Flexible Manufacturing Systems 2012 Springer English
Campbell, P.D.Q. Basic Fixture Design 1994 Industrial Press, New York English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Graphic paper Yes Yes 20.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 20.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
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Prof. Vukelić Đorđe

Full Professor

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Asst. Prof. Santoši Željko

Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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