Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Basics of Machine Elements (17.M202A)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Mašinski elementi, mehanizmi i inženjerske grafičke komunikacije

To enable students for designing of particular mechanical elements and systems.

Acquired knowledge is used in further education related to professional courses.

General definition of machine elements. Temperature influence on contiguous changes. Measurement chains. Fundamental mechanical characteristics of machine materials. Load of machine elements (types, origin, classification, and application in time). Calculation of machine elements. Screw relations. Group screw relations. Thread transmitters. Mechanical transmitters. Friction pairs. Gear pairs. Shafts and spindles. Keys and geared shafts. Roller bearings. Sliding bearings. Couplings. Breaks.

Lectures, auditory (A), computing (N) and graphical (G) practical classes and consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Graphic paper Yes Yes 20.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
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Prof. Rackov Milan

Full Professor

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Asst. Prof. Knežević Ivan

Assistant Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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