Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Organizational Behavior (17.IZOO14)

General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field
  • Inženjerstvo informacionih sistema
  • Ljudski resursi i komunikacije
  • Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment

Educational objective of this subject is to enable students to understand basics of organizational behavior, its importance in business systems, with special emphasis on information systems. Students should gain knowledge about communication processes, teamwork and team roles, decision-making process, employee motivation, and conflicts in organization.

After successful completion of this course, student will be able to explain the basic concepts of organizational behavior, to apply lessons learned in analyzing concrete business problems, to analyze the concepts of information systems, to explain how information systems affect organizational behavior and how they can be used to solve problems related to the behavior of employees in organizations. Students will acquire knowledge and skills related to communication processes in the organization and/or team, especially in creative problem-solving and decision-making processes.

Following topics are covered in this course: teams and groups, a model of team effectiveness, team design features, team processes, virtual teams and team decision making, communication channels, communication barriers, improving interpersonal communication, communication in creative problem-solving techniques to improve individual and group creativity, process of group decision-making, motivation of employees/users, conflict management and negotiation , stress , communication with users /customers, business meetings (preparation, conducting a meeting), techniques for improving performance presentations, interviews to collect user requirements during the analysis and design of information systems (interview preparation), conducting workshops demands, modern information technology in business communication, human-computer interaction, organizational culture, information systems and organizational change.

A variety of approaches to teaching and learning are adapted including multimedia lectures, exercises, consultations, and review of specific issues and case studies in the field organizational behavior.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Robbins, S. P. Organizational Behaviour 2012 Prentice Hall English
Mullins, L. J. Management and Organizational Behaviour 2010 Prentice Hall English
Vecchio, R. P. Organizational Behavior 2002 Hartcourt English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Homework Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
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Prof. Lalić Danijela

Full Professor


Assoc. Prof. Ćulibrk Jelena

Associate Professor

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Assistant with PhD Bošković Dunja

Assistant with PhD

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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