Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Social aspects of information systems (17.IZOO11)

General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field
  • Inženjerstvo informacionih sistema
  • Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment
  • Ljudski resursi i komunikacije
  • Information-Communication Systems

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the legal, ethical, business, professional and other social aspects of information systems as well as the core aspects of information system engineer profession.

Students will understand: the impact of social and legal aspects of the information system (IS);Impact on the development and application of information technologies in shaping social relations, their impact on society and the role of individuals as part of the community, the manner in which ethics is connected with the behavior of individuals and organizations in the context of information systems. Students will be able to identify cases of abuse that are associated with the application of information technologies and measures available to combat such forms of abuse.

Engineering in the field of information technology as a profession. Professional organizations and their importance The most significant international professional organization (ACM i IEEE). Information and its relevance in modern society. The concepts of information and knowledge society .Globalization and the Information Society. Digital divide: language, culture, and gender in a global computer network.Virtual Communities. Ethical and moral aspects of information systems. Professional ethics. Ethical codes of professional organizations in information systems .The intellectual property. Legislation frame related to the various forms of intellectual property in the field of information technology.The licensing of software. Types of licenses and their duration. The electronic signature. Concept, creation and development of a Cyber crime.The forms of cyber crime, the perpetrators and the methods of execution. Assumptions of the effective prevention and protection against cyber crime.

Teaching the course is done interactively and includes auditory lectures, consultations, and review specific issues and case studies.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Andrej Savin EU Internet Law 2013 Elgar European Law English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 70.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Homework Yes Yes 5.00
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Prof. Katić Ivana

Full Professor


Prof. Bunčić Sonja

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.