Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Leadership and change management (17.IMS210)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Ljudski resursi i komunikacije
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

The goal of this course is to introduce students to contemporary approaches to the study of leadership phenomena and processes of changes. In business conditions, in which changes are an indispensable part of daily living, it is important to consider ways and means of creating the conditions for the acceptance of change, and the formulation of strategies and tactics for creating change. Leader, as an agent of change, is the basis for the successful implementation of change, and the basis for the harmonization of the vision and mission of the organization with goals of employees. Students will learn about the causes of the occurrence of change, change management methods, as well as leadership skills, knowledge and abilities that would grow with organizational skills and professional skills of employees.

Educational outcome:

Possession of the knowledge and skills that are necessary for leadership communication with followers, as well as the principles relating to the impact of leaders on followers, the behaviors that contribute to a successful leader's communication in the organization and the conditions in which the communication between leaders and followers turns into the successful functioning of the organization in implementing change and the creation of new values??. Creating the conditions for personal development and self management, in order to manage the employee by organizational behavior. Goal of course is also gaining skills and decision making ability, time management and situation, as well as knowledge about the social and technical conditions that contribute to the quality of leadership and change management.

Course content:

The concept and role of the leader (defining terms leader and leadership); Concept and types of changes in the organization, leadership as a process of change; Theoretical foundations of leadership and change and changes in organizational structure, organizational culture and change; Personality traits of leaders; Motivation for Change; Leadership and communication with co-workers; Reduction of conflicts, creation of a learning organization, management and conduct of the leaders of change, impact-power leader; Leadership and change in team work, self management; Successful leaders in the change process.

Teaching methods:

Teaching is done interactively, with constant homework in the form of essays and a different personality tests that might contribute to the development of leadership characteristics. Besides the theoretical framework, which is presented in terms of recognition of useful knowledge in the modern approach to leadership and changes, classes contains also practice, that is performed by students who solve tasks to simulated problem situations, practicing the most important aspects in the assessment of the real situation in the region and the organization they work for.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Parker C. Developing Management Skills for Leadership 2003 Prentice Hall English
Maxwell J. Developing the leader Within You 2001 Thomas Nelson Publishers English
Hiatt, j. Creasey, T. Change Management 2012 Prosci Learning Center Publications English
Koter J. Vođenje promena 1998 Želnid, Beograd Serbian language
Grubić-Nešić, L. Znati biti lider 2007 AB Print, Novi Sad Serbian language
Pierce J., Newstrom J. Leaders & the Leadership Process 2008 McGraw-Hill English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 70.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
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prof. dr Lalić Danijela

Full Professor

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prof. dr Mitrović Veljković Slavica

Full Professor


Istraživač saradnik Medojević Milana

Research Associate

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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