Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Product and Process Improvement Projects (17.IM2315)

Native organizations units: Chair of Production Systems, Organization and Management
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment

The course objective is that engineers learn project management methodology in the field of product and process improvement in manufacturing companies, since it is one of the most important tools for engineers work.

Students gain the knowledge and competencies needed to improve production program, technology and material flows based on the analysis of the manufacturing company, with or without investment in new technological equipment.

Definition of basic concepts in production. Material flows in the manufacturing company: a process or discrete approach. The basic approach to products and processes improvement. Analysis of the production system. Gathering data about production elements: production program, products, technological systems, industrial processes and production system structure. Data display. Production elements analysis: production, product characteristics, technological processes, specific parameters of the system, technological systems and material flows. Basic concepts of product and process improvement. Production improvement. Product classification. Products grouping. Technologies improvement. Technological systems selection. The procurement process of new technological systems. Work units design. The spatial structure of manufacturing system. Evaluating the effects of improvements. Development projects management in manufacturing companies. Performance improvement projects.

The teaching includes lectures and auditory practice. Lectures provide theoretical approaches and the problem frameworks. Practice includes interactive workshops with the examples from real systems. During the semester, students write essay. Students have to defend essay in order to pass final exam.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Lehmann, D., Winer, R. Product Management 2015 McGraw Hill, New York English
Barkley, B. Project Management in New Product Development 2008 McGraw Hill, New York English
Smith, N.J. Engineering Project Management 2008 Blackwell, Oxford English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Computer exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Term paper Yes No 20.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Coloquium exam No No 20.00
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Assoc. Prof. Rikalović Aleksandar

Associate Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Rikalović Aleksandar

Associate Professor

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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