Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Industry 4.0 (17.IM2103)

Native organizations units: Chair of Production Systems, Organization and Management
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field
  • Information-Communication Systems
  • Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment

The educational goal of this course is to provide students with the understanding how new technologies caused digital transformation in different industries. Through this course student will be introduced to the emerging technologies, that are developing rapidly and digital transformation, as a transformation of business and organizational activities, processes, competencies and models to fully leverage the changes and opportunities of a mix of digital technologies and their accelerating impact.

Students who successfully pass pre-exam obligations and the exam are able to: (1) understand the basic concept of new and emerging technologies; (2) to understand how new technologies are changing industries; (3)to undurestad the funcionalities and application fields of varios emerging techhnologies; (4)to connect the development of new technologies with digital transformation in the industry; (5) to deal with digital transformation in different industries.

What is technology? Classification of technologies. How technology is changing the world. New technologies and challenges of the 21st century. Digital transformation in industry. Industry 4.0. Digital transformation in industry. Virtual and Augmented reality. 3D printing. Big data. Blockchain. Artificial intelligence. Drones. IOT.

Teaching is conducted through lectures and practical classes (auditory). Lectures are interactive, combinig theory, practical examples and multimedia content, giving up-to-date knowledge and overview of new technologies and digital transformation in industry. Lectures are ocasionaly delivered by visiting lecturers - experts for a particular technology, from the academic and business environment. A variety of approaches will be used, during practical classes, including group work activities, open debate, case study solving, joint analysis and team presentation.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Jan L. Harrington Technology and Society 2011 Jones & Bartlet English
Steven C. Chapra, Raymond P. Canale Numerical Methods for Engineers, seventh edition 2015 McGraw-Hill Education English
Georg Brener Management in 20xx 2004 Siemens English
Hans-Jorg Bullinger Technology Guide - Principles, applications, trends 2009 Springer English
D. Mackenzie, J. Wajeman The Social Shaping of Technology 1985 Open Univer. Pres. English
Eugene Loos, Enid Mante-Meijer, Leslie Haddon The Social Dynamics of Information and Communication Technology 2008 Ashgate English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 70.00
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Prof. Lalić Bojan

Full Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Šević Dragoljub

Associate Professor

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Prof. Stefanović Darko

Full Professor

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Asst. Prof. Ćirić Lalić Danijela

Assistant Professor

Practical classes

Asst. Prof. Orošnjak Marko

Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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Assistant - Master Vasić Stana

Assistant - Master

Practical classes
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Asst. Prof. Medić Nenad

Assistant Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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