Category | Professional-applicative |
Scientific or art field |
ECTS | 5 |
The goal of this course is to train students to investigate behind the reflex perception and creative approach to the problem of trained perception and creative knowledge. Thus, students will study the aesthetic principles in relation to different media. They will be able to recognize how this theory works in practice.
Students will be able to detect both the aesthetic principles and how to apply theory in practice: quality of media content, technical quality, perceptual quality, the semantics of visual sign, visual messages and aesthetic codes, denotative and connotative meaning
I BASIC ELEMENTS, Description, aesthetic categories, what the brain sees: light and color, two-dimensional space, three-dimensional space, movement / time, sound, perception, observation, discussion on the history of media, II LIGHT, COLOR, COMPOSITION, Fundamentals of the theory of form through examples of discussions on the theory of color, saturation, lightness, color as a trademark, for example: the film "Vertigo", III SPACE, PLANS, perception, understanding of space, observation of the space on two-dimensional picture, gestalt theory, relative size of objects within the image; IV PHOTOGRAPHY History of photography, Discussion of the appearance of photography and its influence on the perception of space in this century, for example: photos of students, the film "Blow Up", V ADVERTIZING; connotative and denotative meaning, commercial photography, tv commercials, paparazzi phenomenon; VI AESTHETICS AND KITSCH, understanding of kitsch, trash, Kemp, advertising and kitsch, kitsch as part of war strategy; Texts: Ivana Kronja - "What is Turbo Folk", movie Leni Riefenstahl: "Triumph of the Will", Review of the book: Susan Sontag - "Illness as Metaphor"
Lectures, exercises, analysis of text, audio and video examples, consultations. Continuous evaluation through discussion and exercise assessment, assignments and final exam.
Authors | Title | Year | Publisher | Language |
Course activity | Pre-examination | Obligations | Number of points |
Presentation | Yes | Yes | 10.00 |
Lecture attendance | Yes | Yes | 5.00 |
Exercise attendance | Yes | Yes | 5.00 |
Theoretical part of the exam | No | Yes | 50.00 |
Project | Yes | Yes | 30.00 |
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant - Master
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