Category | Professional-applicative |
Scientific or art field |
ECTS | 4 |
The goal of this course is to enable students to understand the role and importance of instruments operational and strategic controlling, internal and external audit in order to manage the company for the personal and property insurance. Student, as an engineer, developed the skill of applying the instrument of internal auditing and controlling in order to successfully combine technical and economic dimensions of its work in management positions in insurance companies.
Acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for Practical implementation of standards and procedures for internal and external auditing and controlling. Knowledge to effectively perform operational audits and controlling the company by engineers. The knowledge acquired is used in further education and in vocational subjects, applicable auditing standards and procedures, internal and operational auditing procedures applied and the instruments of strategic and operational controlling.
History of the concept of controlling. Controlling generation. Concept of controlling. The tasks of controlling the attitude towards management. The principles, structures and controlling instruments. The importance of planning, operational and strategic planning. Management of costs, ABC method (practical example Activity Based Costing). Operational Controlling Instruments. Strategic Controlling Instruments. Balanced Scorecard. Application of the concept of controlling the different areas of business. The institutional aspect of controlling. Development of reports controllers (practical example). Techniques of presentation of controller`s report. The prospect of controlling development. The system of internal supervision and internal control. Audit, types and principles. The methodology of financial audit. Strategic management accounting. Introduction to the operational audit. Broader evaluations of organization solvency. Overview of business flows according to the activities. Rating integration of business processes. Snapshot of business processes, identifying the shortcomings and weaknesses of business flows. Suggestions for improving the monitoring business trends in organization. Monitoring process indicators by questionnaire of activities. Reintegration operations in the system of internal control. Forming operations procedures. Re-engineering the organization`s activities with benchmarking. Assessment of business risk. Auditors report operating and proposals for the introduction of strategic management tools organization. Development of practical examples of operational audit.
Lectures using audiovisual equipment. Auditory exercises. A case study ofcontrolling and operational audit of the company from planning to reporting. Consultation. Lectures by experienced executives in part or whole enterprises function in the role of guest lecturers. In the exercises to encourage group work and analysis of practical examples of audits.
Authors | Title | Year | Publisher | Language |
Course activity | Pre-examination | Obligations | Number of points |
Exercise attendance | Yes | Yes | 5.00 |
Oral part of the exam | No | Yes | 70.00 |
Lecture attendance | Yes | Yes | 5.00 |
Term paper | Yes | Yes | 20.00 |
Coloquium exam | No | No | 35.00 |
Coloquium exam | No | No | 35.00 |
Full Professor
Full Professor
Assistant with PhD
© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.
Address: Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21102 Novi Sad
© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.