Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Mathematical game theory (17.IAM005)

Native organizations units: Department of Fundamentals Sciences
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Teorijska i primenjena matematika

The educational objective of the course is to introduce basic concept of combinatorial game theory, with a special emphasis on the positional game theory. Suggested topics have both theoretical and practical importance. The knowledge of mathematical game theory contributes to the full understanding of the designing process, implementation and game design within computer animation.

Acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of mathematical (combinatorial) games. Introduction to tools and techniques used in this field, as well as to possibilities and methods of their application.

1. Introduction concepts. Types of combinatorial games. Strategy. Game tree. Total min-max game tree search. Stealing the strategy. Probability approach. 2. Some combinatorial games. 3. Positional games. Definition. X and O. Pairing strategy. Strong and weak games. Maker-Breaker games. Basic concepts in the graph theory 5. Graphs games Part of the lectures consists of numerical simulation and possible writing of the term paper.

Lectures, Audio Practice and Consultations. During the Audio-Practice, the contents from the lectures are applied and exercised. During the semester, each student has to write the term paper worth 30% of the points. Parts of the course which represent a logical whole may be passed through two colloquiums. If the student wins at least 30% of possible points at each colloquium, it is considered that he passed the examination. At the examination the student may win up to 30% of the points. The course grade is formed based on the points won at the term paper, colloquiums and the knowledge demonstrated at the examination.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Rida Laraki, Jérôme Renault, et al. Mathematical Foundations of Game Theory 2019 Springer English
Saul Stahl A Gentle Introduction to Game Theory 1998 American Mathematical Society English
John Maynard Smith Evolution and the Theory of Games 1982 Cambridge University Press English
E.R. Berlekamp, J.H.Conway, R.K. Guy Winning Ways 1982 Academic Press, London English
Michael H. Albert, Richard J. Nowakowski, et al. Lessons in Play: An Introduction to Combinatorial Game Theory 2019 A K Peters English
Vladimir Mazalov Mathematical Game Theory and Applications 2014 Wiley English
J. Beck Foundations of positional games 1996 English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Practical part of the exam - tasks No Yes 70.00
Coloquium exam No No 20.00
Coloquium exam No No 20.00

Prof. Čomić Lidija

Full Professor


Asst. Prof. Prokić Ivan

Assistant Professor


Asistent sa doktoratom Đokić Jelena

Assistant with PhD

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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