Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Spatial Shape Design (17.IA006)

Native organizations units: Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Design

Enabling students for spatial visualization and generation of spatial models.

The use of graphic programmes for 3D visualization, as well as good perception of space.

Graphic programme systems and models. Methods of information presentation: raster graphics and vectors graphics. Fundamentals of spatial shaping. Users interface. Structure of program systems for spatial shaping. Image: natural and generated. Object recording. Presentation of Projection and Views. Classic views. Orthogonal projections. Axonometric projections. Oblique projections. Perspective. View design at the computer. Camera position. Curves in Computer Graphics: cubic spline, normalized cubic spline, Bezier curves, NURBS. Surfaces in CG: surfaces of revolution, sweep surfaces, quadrics, ruled and developable surfaces, Coons linear surfaces, Coons bicubic surfaces, Piecewise surface representation, mapping parametric surfaces, bilinear surfaces, Bezier surfaces. Geometric primitives: cube, box, cylinder and sphere. Curves and surfaces intersection: algebraic methods, subdivision methods, discretization methods. Contour line of surfaces. Surfaces intersection on basic on geometric models. Boolean operations on solids. Visibility: Painter algorithm, Newell's algorithm, Warnock's algorithm, Z Buffer algorithm. Clipping Algorithms: Clipping, Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping, Cyrus-Beck. Changing the shape of objects. Global changes of shapes. Changes of free form. Transformations: 2D and 3D. Space configuration. Obtaining 3D image from the 2D sample. Fractals. Application of different application software. Sketching: 3D scene. Setting the scene: eye point and the plane of the figure.

Lectures, Computer Practice, Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Hewitt,C., Bierut,M., Lasseter, J. Designing with Pixar : 45 Activities to Create Your Own Characters, Worlds, and Stories 2016 Disney Enterprises, Inc. and Pixar Animation Studios, Emeryville English
Yamaguchi, F. Curves and Surfaces in Computer Aided Geometric Design 2013 Springer English
Watt, A. 3D Computer Graphics 2000 Addison-Wesley, New York English
Thomas, F., Johnston, O. The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation 1995 Walt Disney Productions, New York English
Autodesk Autodesk 3DS MAX Tutorial guide 2005 Autodesk English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Homework Yes Yes 5.00
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Prof. Obradović Ratko

Full Professor

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Asst. Prof. Kuzmanović Nenad

Assistant Professor


Assistant - Master Bobić Aleksandra

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Miščević Milan

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Assistant - Master Obradović Miloš

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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