Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Railway track and stations design (17.GH408)

General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Traffic Paths

Explanation of basic principles and methods for planning and design of railway tracks, stations and nodes.

Enabling students for work within the domain of planning and design of railway tracks, stations and nodes. Enabling students to apply acquired skills both in practice and further education.

Railway track (RT) horizontal and longitudinal layout elements; standard RT cross section; notion of track layout and route design; position of stations on the route; elements and position of stations within horizontal and longitudinal layout; geometric and dynamic route analysis; methodology and technology of the design of new RTs; specific aspects concerning planning and design of high-speed lines; station categorization; station design elements; basic design principles for all types of railway stations and forming conceptual design solutions of railway nodes; methods for dimensioning of basic station capacities; validation of variant solutions Exercises: individual exercises; every student receives individually conceived tasks, thematically and chronologically compliant with the lectures. Tasks consist of carrying out one design solution of a RT route for conventional traffic at the level of General Design including switches & crossings elements design, switch fans (balloons/ladder) structures; inter-station design; design of entrances to switchyards (sorting yards) stations, marshalling (classification) yards/stations and passenger stations.

Lectures (auditory, power-point), practice (numerical and graphical), consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Coenraad Esveld Modern Railway Track 2001 MRT-Productions English
Janjić S. Železničke stanice 1983 Građevinski Fakultet Beograd English
Clifford F. Bonnett Practical Railway Engineering 2005 Imperial College Press English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Graphic paper Yes Yes 30.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 60.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
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Prof. Jovanović Stanislav

Full Professor

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Asst. Prof. Marinković Milan

Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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Prof. Jovanović Stanislav

Full Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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