Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Theory of Concrete Structures 1 (17.GG25)

Native organizations units: Department of Civil Engineering
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Konstrukcije u građevinarstvu
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Acquiring advanced academic and professional knowledge in the field of the design and detailing of reinforced concrete structures according to ultimate limit states and enabling students to design and detail reinforced concrete cross-sections and members.

Educational outcome:

Students possess advanced academic and professional knowledge in the field of the design and detailing of reinforced concrete structures according to ultimate limit states. They are able to solve problems of different levels of complexity on their own, as well as in communication and interaction with others. They are entrepreneurial and can lead projects of different complexity by respecting the ethical standards of their profession. They have a positive attitude towards lifelong learning and personal and professional development.

Course content:

General characteristics of reinforced concrete structures. Concrete cover to reinforcement. Arranging, shaping, anchoring and lapping of reinforcement. Ultimate limit states in reinforced concrete structures. Ultimate resistance of cross-sections for effects of bending moments and axial forces. Centric and eccentric tension (small eccentricity). Uniaxial bending of rectangular cross-sections without and with axial force. Doubly reinforced rectangular cross-sections. Uniaxial bending of T-sections without and with axial force. Eccentric compression (small eccentricity) and centric compression without buckling effects. Interaction diagrams. Reinforcement of columns. Ultimate resistance of cross-sections for effects of shear forces and moments of torsion. Design of cross-sections for effects of shear forces and moments of torsion. Shaping of shear reinforcement for effects of shear forces and moments of torsion. Ultimate limit state of slender members. Simplified criteria for second order effects. Methods for analysing second order effects. Biaxial bending of columns. Ductility of reinforced concrete cross-sections.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, practical classes, consultations. The theoretical part of the study material is presented at lectures through presentations of individual thematic units, followed by the appropriate examples from engineering practice for the sake of easier perceiving and understanding. At practical classes, the study material is processed through the solving of practical problems with the active participation of students. In addition to lectures and exercises, consultations are held regularly in order to provide students with answers to additional questions related to the study material.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Вукобратовић, В. Теорија бетонских конструкција 1: скрипта 2016 В. Вукобратовић, Нови Сад Serbian language
Martin, L., Purkiss, J. Concrete Desing to EN 1992 (2nd Edition) 2006 Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford English
Grupa autora SRPS EN 1992-1-1. Evrokod 2 – Projektovanje betonskih konstrukcija – Deo 1-1: Opšta pravila i pravila za zgrade 2012 Institut za standardizaciju Srbije, Beograd Serbian language
Beeby, A. W., Narayanan, R. S. Designers’ guide to Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures 2009 Thomas Telford Publishing, Thomas Telford Ltd, London English
Mosley, B., Hulse, R., Bungey, J. Concrete Design to Eurocode 2 (7th Edition) 2012 Palgrave Macmillan, London English
Група аутора СРПС ЕН 1990. Еврокод – Основе пројектовања конструкција 2012 Институт за стандардизацију Србије, Београд Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 0.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 35.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 0.00
Practical part of the exam - tasks No Yes 35.00
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
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vanr. prof. dr Vukobratović Vladimir

Associate Professor

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doc. Žarković Drago

Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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vanr. prof. dr Starčev-Ćurčin Anka

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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