Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected Topics in Maintenance Management of Transport Infrastucture (17.GD036)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Traffic Paths
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Acquiring knowledge of advanced techniques for the maintenance management of transport infrastructure (roads, railways and airports).

Educational outcome:

Enabling students for the completion of the maintenance management of transport infrastructure (roads, railways and airports) process: problem identification, data collection and analysis, planning of preventive and corrective measures, contracting and control of the execution of civil engineering maintenance works in maintenance of transport infrastructure. The knowledge acquired is directly applicable in engineering practice as well as the realization of scientific research in the field of maintenance of transport infrastructure in the construction industry.

Course content:

Terms and definitions, problem identification, maintenance management systems for transport infrastructure (roads, railways and airports), a detailed analysis of the methods and modern equipment for data collection and analysis on the condition of the transport infrastructure, the deterioration cycle of transport infrastructure, models for predicting of performance changes of certain elements of transport infrastructure, implementation of appropriate programming software and optimization of maintenance works on transport infrastructure, contracting of maintenance works of transport infrastructure on the principle of Performance - Based Maintenance Contracts, maintenance management of transport infrastructure in terms of economy, environment, and traffic safety.

Teaching methods:

Lectures and consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Baquero, P. Practical Guidance to Procure Output- and Performance-Based Road Contracts (OPRC) under Bank-Financed Projects’’ 2007 Transport Forum and Learning Week, Washington, D.C. English
Stankevich N., Qureshi N., Queiroz Q. Transport Note No. TN-27, ‘’Performance-based Contracting for Preservation and Improvement of Road Assets’’ 2009 The World Bank, Washington, D.C. English
Mizusawa, D. Road Management Commercial Off-The-Shelf Systems Catalog, Version 2.0 2009 The World Bank, Washington, D.C. English
Bennett, C. Chamorro, A. Chen, C. Solminihac, H Flintsch, G Data Collection Technologies for Road Management – Version 2.0 2007 The World Bank, Washington, D.C. English
Radović, N. Optimizacija upravljanja održavanjem autoputeva sa primerom autoputa E-75, deonica Novi Sad - Beograd 2006 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
-- Asset Management for the Road Sector 2001 OECD English
-- Standard Bidding Document, Procurement of Works and Services under Output- and Performance-based Road Contracts 2009 The World Bank, Washington, D.C. English
Robinson, R. Danielson, U. Snaith, M Road Maintenance Management, Concepts and Systems 1998 The University of Birmingham and The Swedish National Road Administration, London English
Group of authors Highway Development & Management HDM-4, Volume 1-7. 2000 ISOHDM Technical Secretariat the University of Birmingham English
Tzanakakis, K. The Railway Track and Its Long Term Behaviour 2013 Springer, ISSN 2194-8119 English
Hayek, J. Hall, J. Hein, D. ACRP Synthesis 22: ‘’Common Airport Pavement Maintenance Practices - A Synthesis of Airport Practice’’ 2011 Transportion Research Board, Washington, D.C. English
Archondo-Callao, R. Transport Papers No. TP-20, ‘’Applying the HDM-4 Model to Strategic Planning of Road Works’’ 2008 The World Bank, Washington, D.C. English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
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prof. dr Radović Nebojša

Full Professor

Study research work
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prof. dr Radović Nebojša

Full Professor

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prof. dr Jovanović Stanislav

Full Professor

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prof. dr Jovanović Stanislav

Full Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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