Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Modern Methods in the Design of Concrete Structures (17.GD008)

Native organizations units: Department of Civil Engineering
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Konstrukcije u građevinarstvu

Acquiring superb theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of the design of complex concrete structures according to the current trends and enabling students for their analysis and design in modern engineering practice.

Students possess superb theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of the design of complex concrete structures according to the current trends in modern engineering practice. They are able to solve problems of different levels of complexity on their own, as well as in communication and interaction with others, with the innovative approach and application of modern and self-developed software tools. They are entrepreneurial and can lead interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary projects of different complexity by respecting the ethical standards of their profession. They are able to independently initiate co-operation at the national and international level.

Characteristics of individual phases of design of reinforced concrete and prestressed structures in modern engineering practice. Selection of appropriate materials, layouts and structural systems. Rheology of concrete and constitutive models. Application of finite element method in static and dynamic analysis of linear and nonlinear systems, vibration and fatigue analysis. Current trends, experiences and recommendations for the design of long-span and high-rise structures: roofs, canopies, stadiums, arenas, skyscrapers and towers.

Lectures, consultations. Theoretical and practical parts of the study material are presented at lectures through presentations of individual thematic units, followed by the appropriate examples from engineering practice for the sake of easier perceiving and understanding. During the course students are referred to the contemporary literature. On the basis of their interest the themes for seminar papers are assigned to them. Seminar papers are written through independent research work. By using the literature students expand knowledge from the selected scientific area, develop the ability to see their place and role in the chosen field, and perceive the need for teamwork and cooperation with other professions.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Smith, B.S., Coull, A. Tall Building Structures: Analysis and Design 1991 John Wiley & Sons English
Naaman, A.E. Prestressed Concrete Analysis and Design: Fundamentals (3rd Edition) 2012 Techno Press 3000 English
Hutton, D.V. Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis 2004 McGraw-Hill English
El-Reedy, M.A. Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures (2nd Edition) 2015 CRC Press English
Taranath, B.S. Reinforced Concrete Design of Tall Buildings 2009 CRC Press English
Wight, J.K. Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design (7th Edition) 2015 Pearson English
Ghali, A., Favre, R., Eldbadry, M. Concrete Structures: Stresses and Deformations 2014 CRC Press English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 0.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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Assoc. Prof. Vukobratović Vladimir

Associate Professor


Foreign Language Teacher - Senior Lecturer Folić Radomir

Full Professor

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Asst. Prof. Žarković Drago

Assistant Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Vukobratović Vladimir

Associate Professor

Study research work

Foreign Language Teacher - Senior Lecturer Folić Radomir

Full Professor

Study research work
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Asst. Prof. Žarković Drago

Assistant Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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