Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: English language - ESP (17.EJM)

Native organizations units: Department of Fundamentals Sciences
General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Anglistika i jezik struke

Mastering the most important terminology related to profession. Developing strategies for understanding texts in a foreign language. Enabling students for reading and understanding the original English texts from various sources related to the specific aspects of graphic engineering and design. Developing oral and written communication related to these topics, using adequate vocabulary and more complex sentence structures.

Mastering the most important terminology related to profession. Developing communication strategies for understanding the professional text. Enabling students to read and understand original English texts from diverse sources related to certain aspects of science and technology. Developing oral and written communication using adequate vocabulary and complex sentence structures. Students can read diverse literature in this area and they can discuss professional topics in and English language using terminology and sentence structure characteristic for their future profession.

Processing contemporary professional texts in the English language related to diverse aspects in their field of studying. Developing strategies for understanding a professional text. Mastering fundamental and most used terms related to profession. Adopting language functions, such as: comparison, classification, expressing purpose or function, describing components, causal relations, etc. Most common prefixes, suffixes, compounds and collocations. Passives, participles. Reduced relative clauses (active and passive), reduced time clauses (active and passive).

Communicative approach is used since goals and content are communication-related, which is very complex. This method equally develops written and oral skills. Students relate the information from the texts to their own experience and knowledge obtained from other courses. New vocabulary is adopted and practiced using oral and written exercises. Knowledge on certain grammar topics is repeated and expanded. Students are encouraged to communicate in English as much as possible during the organized class segments or in groups.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Glendinning, E.H., McEwan, J. Oxford English for Electronics 1993 Oxford University Press English
Eastwood, J. Oxford Practice Grammar - Intermediate 2006 Oxford University Press, Oxford English
Evans, V., Dooley, J., Revels, J. Career Paths, Book 1-3 2012 Express Publishing English
Glendinning, E., Glendinning, N. Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering : Answer book with teaching notes 1995 Oxford University Press, Oxford English
Popić R., i dr. Naučno-tehnički rečnik : englesko-srpskohrvatski : 80.000 terminoloških jedinica 1989 Privredni pregled, Beograd English
Ashley, A. Oxford Correspondence Workbook 2003 Oxford University Press English
Comfort, J., Hick, S., Savage, A. Basic Technical English 2002 Oxford University Press, Oxford English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 40.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00

Foreign Language Lecturer Zivlak Jelena

Nastavnik stranog jezika


Prof. Šafranj Jelisaveta

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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