Type of studies | Title |
Undergraduate Academic Studies | Engineering Management (Year: 1, Semester: Summer) |
Undergraduate Academic Studies | Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety (Year: 3, Semester: Summer) |
Undergraduate Academic Studies | Information Systems Engineering (Year: 1, Semester: Summer) |
Undergraduate Academic Studies | Industrial Engineering (Year: 1, Semester: Summer) |
Category | Academic-general educative |
Scientific or art field | Anglistika i jezik struke |
ECTS | 3 |
Further development of English language competence by extending student vocabulary and adopting more complex sentence structure suitable for the communicative purpose and situation. Extending the existing vocabulary to include the words which are not related only to immediate environment and are related to professional discourse. Developing the skills and competences which will enable the students to express their opinions, feelings and environment in a precise and clear manner.
Students are able to use language skills and competences in various situations using the suitable vocabulary and sentence structures. Depending on the communicative situation students are able to adapt their style and register. They can read more complex texts and reproduce and comment on the ideas expressed in them.
Vocabulary which is not related only to the immediate environment but includes a number of abstract terms and terms related to the future profession. . Comprehension of texts from various sources written in various styles and registers. Ford formation related to abstract terms, agents, formation of adverbs, use of negative prefixes, etc. Use of passive voice. Use of Conditional sentences (first, second, third conditional). Use of tenses and their systematization.
Teaching is done using communicative method of language learning. After a short introduction about a topic, the students read the text and find new words in a dictionary. This is followed by a discussion about the topics mentioned in the text and the conclusions offered there. A part of the class is devoted to learning and practicing new vocabulary through oral and written exercises as well as to revision and expansion of knowledge related to certain grammar structures. Students are encouraged to communicate in English through group discussions and pair work.
Authors | Title | Year | Publisher | Language |
2000 | English | |||
2006 | English |
Course activity | Pre-examination | Obligations | Number of points |
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory | No | Yes | 40.00 |
Test | Yes | Yes | 10.00 |
Test | Yes | Yes | 10.00 |
Oral part of the exam | No | Yes | 30.00 |
Test | Yes | Yes | 10.00 |
Full Professor
Nastavnik stranog jezika
Associate Professor
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