
Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Design for manufacturability and production optimization (17.DP043)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Technological Processes, Techno-Economic Optimization and Virtual Design

Acquiring knowledge about modern approaches in design for manufacturability (DfX/DfMA) and optimization in production. Developing scientific capabilities, academic and professional skills in the field of product design that are suitable for manufacturing as well as other aspects of excellence, and various aspects of optimization in the stages of product design and product manufacturing. Training students to apply information technologies in product design and process planning and optimization.

Depending on the selected field, after successfully completing this course, a student is able to: Define objectives and goals of optimization, and define and compare optimization methods; Describe and define the aspects of Design for Excellence-DfX; Define and apply basic DfMA methods in the development of manufacturable products from the aspect of manufacturing and assembly; Analyze and evaluate product manufacturability and improve its design and manufacturing technology; Design rational variants of manufacturing processes, determine and test optimal variant on the basis of quality, accuracy, time, cost and other objective functions; Evaluate and select optimal products, resources and manufacturing processes using multi-criteria optimization methods; Model and simulate manufacturing processes, optimize resource allocation and design of manufacturing plants; Optimize tasks within production planning and control, as well as build optimal business plans.

Introduction to the course. Concurrent product development and product lifecycle management (PLM). Product manufacturability. Design for Excellence – DfX (DfM, DfA, DfC, DfR, DfQ, DfD, DfE…). Basic tasks and activities of design for manufacturing – DfMA. Manufacturability analysis of product design. Qualitative and quantitative manufacturability. Standardization, unification, tipization, specialization and modularity. Conceptual process planning. Material and process selection. Manufacturing cost and time estimation. Most significant DfMA methods and developed softwares (CAx and Web-based softwares). Advanced analytical and experimental methods of optimization. Product design optimization. Manufacturing and production processes as objects of optimization. Product and manufacturing time, cost, accuracy and quality. Multi-criteria evaluation and optimization of products and manufacturing processes. Application of artificial inteligence methods and metaheuristics in optimization. Planning, estimation and optimization of material flows and manufacturing resources. Optimization of selection and allocation of manufacturing resources. Modeling and simulation of manufacturing and production processes in production optimization – software support. Business planning – building optimal business plans. Advanced techniques and approaches in development of manufacturable products and optimization in production.

Lectures, study research work and consultations. Lectures are intended to present theoretical part of the course and typical examples from science and practice with the application of modern equipment and information technologies. Through lectures, students gain modern scientific and professional knowledge, master scientific methods and procedures for independent study research work. In addition to lectures, consultations are also held on a regular basis. Study research work refers to all forms of classes that provide contribution to students training in research, writing scientific papers and work on doctoral thesis.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Sakawa, M. Genetic algorithms and fuzzy multiobjective optimization 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston English
Bralla, J. Design for Manufacturability Handbook 2004 McGraw-Hill Companies, USA English
Boothroyd, G., et.al. Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly 2011 Taylor& Francis, USA English
Swift, K.G., Booker, J.D. Process Selection: From Design to Manufacture 2003 Butterworth-Heinmann English
Law, A. Simulation modeling and analysis 2015 McGraw-Hill Education, New York English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
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Prof. Dejan Lukić

Full Professor

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Prof. Dejan Lukić

Full Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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