Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Advances in process planning (17.DP042)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Technological Processes, Techno-Economic Optimization and Virtual Design
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Acquiring knowledge about modern approaches in technological preparation of production/process planning. Developing scientific capabilities, academic and professional skills in the domain of planning optimization, modeling and simulation of manufacturing and production processes and other activities of technological preparation. Training students to apply information and communication technologies within the activities of technological preparation of production.

Educational outcome:

Depending on the selected field, after successfully completing this course, a student is able to: Explain the place, role and tasks of modern technological preparation of production; Develop a model for technological preparation of a specific production system; Apply DfX/DfMA methods when developing manufacturable products; Build models and develop conceptual, variant and generative CAPP systems; Apply advanced techniques within the process planning and when generating information for CIM systems (feature technologies, artificial intelligence methods, CAD/CAM, STEP/STEP-NC, Internet technologies...); Apply advanced optimization methods in determining optimal products, resources and production processes, and perform computer/experiment-based solution testing; Modeling and simulate manufacturing processes within the manufacturing plant; Perform reengineering of manufacturing processes within an enterprise; Follow development trends and apply modern concepts of technological preparation.

Course content:

Objectives, relevance and content of the course. Place and role of the technological preparation of production within the production system (CIM), product development and product lifecycle management (PLM). Models and main tasks of modern technological preparation of production/process planning. Product manufacturability analysis, DFX-DFMA, FMEA. Conceptual and detailed, macro and micro process planning-CAPP. Group technology. Intelligent manufacturing processes. Application of artificial intelligence within the technological preparation of production (expert systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms). Application of metaheuristic methods. Feature-based technologies. Multi-agent systems. Information for machining, measurement, manipulation and transport. Technological aspects of CAD/CAM systems. STEP/STEP-NC. Techno-economical optimization. Modeling and simulation of manufacturing and production processes. Operational preparation of production. Technological database and knowledge base. Reengineering of manufacturing processes, rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing. Methods for selection and evaluation of products and processes. CAPP systems and their development. Integration of CAPP and other CAx systems. Product data exchange and management. Application of internet technologies in process planning. Modern concepts of technological preparation within Lean manufacturing, Just in Time, CE, digital manufacturing, collaborative manufacturing, e-manufacturing, etc.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, study research work and consultations. Lectures are followed by interactive presentations which are designed to represent theoretical basics and specific examples. Through lectures, students gain modern scientific and professional knowledge, master scientific methods and procedures for independent study research work. Apart from lectures, consultations are also held on a regular basis. Study research work refers to all forms of classes that provide contribution to students training in research, writing scientific papers and work on doctoral thesis.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Stefanović, M. CIM sistemi 2006 Mašinski fakultet, Kragujevac Serbian language
Lukić, D. Razvoj opšteg modela tehnološke pripreme proizvodnje, doktorska disertacija 2012 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
Nasr, E.A., Kamrani, A.K. Computer-Based Design and Manufacturing: An Information-Base Approach 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC English
Kuric, I., Matuszek, J., Debnar, R. Computer Aided Process Planning in Machinery Industry 1999 Filia Politechniki todzkiey, Bielsko-Biata English
Scallan, P. Process Planning-The design/manufacturing interface 2003 MA: Butterworth-Heinemann English
Todić, V. Projektovanje tehnoloških procesa 2004 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
Xun, Xu. Integrating Advanced Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, and Numerical Control 2009 Information Science Reference, New York English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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prof. dr Lukić Dejan

Full Professor

Study research work
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prof. dr Lukić Dejan

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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