Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected Topics in Biotribology (17.DBMI12)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Metrology, Quality, Fixtures and Ecological-Engineering Aspects
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Acquisition of knowledge about contemporary approaches in biotribology. Development of scientific abilities, academic and practical skills in the field of friction, wear and lubrication of contact surfaces. Achieving the ability to use information and communication technologies in the processes of identification of tribological processes and measurement of tribological parameters.

Educational outcome:

Advanced knowledge of biotribology. Ability to independently solve practical and theoretical problems using scientific methods and procedures in the field of systemic approach to biotribology. Mastering creativity with the goal of developing new procedures and technologies in the field of biotribology. Development of creative and independent judgment of problems in the field of biotribology systems.

Course content:

Bioribology as science and technology. Friction. Wear. Lubrication. Technological aspects of biotribology. System approach to biotribology. Defining and modeling biotribological systems. Structure of biotribological systems. Types of biotribological systems. Biotribological processes. Simulation of biotribological phenomena. Measuring techniques and measuring devices.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, study research work and consultations. The lectures provide a theoretical part of the material using modern equipment and information and communication technologies. Through lectures, a student acquires and mastered contemporary scientific knowledge, scientific methods and procedures that enable him to become independent research work. In addition to lectures, consultations are also held regularly. Study research work includes all forms of teaching that are in the function of directly training a student for research, writing scientific papers and making a doctoral dissertation. Study research work includes active monitoring of primary scientific sources, organization and execution of numerical simulations and experimental research.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Zhou, Z. R.; Yu, H. Y.; Zheng, J.; Qian, L. M.; Yan, Y. Dental Biotribology 2013 Springer English
Ivković, B. Rečnik triboloških termina 2011 Srpsko tribološko društvo, Kragujevac Serbian language
Ivković, B.; Rac, A. Tribologija 1995 Jugoslovensko društvo za tribologiju Serbian language
Hutchings, I.; Shipway, P. Tribology: Friction and Wear of Engineering Materials 2017 Elsevier English
Zhou, Z. R.; Yu, H. Y.; Zheng, J.; Qian, L. M.; Yan, Y. Dental Biotribology 2013 Springer English
Davim, J. P. Biotribology 2013 John Wiley & Sons English
Tanasijević, S. Tribološki ispravno konstruisanje : monografija  2004 Mašinski fakultet, Kragujevac Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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prof. dr Vukelić Đorđe

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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