Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Fuzzy measures and integrals (17.D0M50Z)

Native organizations units: Department of Fundamentals Sciences
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Teorijska i primenjena matematika

The students learn about theoretical overview, methods and applications of fuzzy measures and integrals.

The students are capable of independent scientific work. The acquired knowledge can be used in solving practical problems using mathematical models based on fuzzy integrals.

The course content includes the following topics. Non-additive set functions. Fuzzy measures. Generalized fuzzy measures (fuzzy bi-measures, real fuzzy measures). Co-monotone functions. Fuzzy measures based integrals. (Choquet integral, Sugeno integral, Shilkret integral). Convergence theorems. Symmetric and asymmetric extension of fuzzy integrals. Applications of fuzzy integrals and their extensions in decision theory, mathematical psychology and pattern recognition. Study and research work includes relevant scientific literature.

Lectures. Consultations. The presentation of the theoretical part is followed by the corresponding examples which contribute to better understanding of the theoretical part. Through homework assignments, work with the course teacher and study of the scientific journals and other relevant literature, the students are prepared for independent work on writing a scientific paper.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
E. Pap Null-additive Set Functions 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers English
E. Pap, editor Handbook of Measure Theory 2002 Elsevier English
D. Denneberg Non-Additive Measure and Integral 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers English
M. Grabisch, T. Murofushi, M. Sugeno, editors Fuzzy Measures and Integrals-Theory and Applications 2000 Physica-Verlag English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 70.00
Homework Yes Yes 30.00
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Prof. Mihailović Biljana

Full Professor


Prof. Grbić Tatjana

Full Professor

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Prof. Medić Slavica

Full Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Nedović Ljubo

Associate Professor

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Prof. Mihailović Biljana

Full Professor

Study research work

Prof. Grbić Tatjana

Full Professor

Study research work
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Prof. Medić Slavica

Full Professor

Study research work
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Assoc. Prof. Nedović Ljubo

Associate Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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