Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Methods and tehniques for testing of automotive software (17.CE824)

General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Computer Engineering and Computer Communication

Aim is to teach students to be able to implement a framework for testing of automotive software and also to have a solid basic knowledge about several key concepts necessary for understanding the design of testing process.

After successfully attending the course, students will be capable to understand methods for testing of automotive software and to write simple programs that run in such environment.

1. Introduction: testing of HW/SW/Real-world control loop systems? Motivation: problems in testing of control loops (automotive) 2. Introduction and basic concepts of HiL, SiL, MiL, emulation, simulation, in-vivo, in-vitro, in-silico testing. 3. Overview of pros and cons with analysis of models, 4. Transition from HIL>SIL>MIL – tradeoffs 5. SPECIFIC Automotive examples: HIL>SIL>MIL 6. Important AUTOMOTIVE components for HiL: ECU, Network, Sensors, Actuators – overview of critical aspects 7. Automotive testing process: modeling, configuration, calibration, testing, measuring, evaluation 8. Overview of available tools: way of working

Lectures. Tutorials. Computer exercises. Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Erik de Jong, Roald de Graaff, Peter Vaessen, Paul Crolla, Andrew Roscoe, Felix Lehfuß, Georg Lauss, Panos Kotsampopoulos and Francisco Gafaro European White Book on Real-Time Power Hardware-in-the-loop testing 2011 KEMA Nederland BV English
Martin Schlager Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation: A Scalable, Component-based, Time-triggered Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation Framework 2008 VDM Verlag Dr. Müller English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Laboratory exercise defence Yes Yes 65.00
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Assoc. Prof. Pavković Bogdan

Associate Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Pavković Bogdan

Associate Professor

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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