Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: English for Biomedical Engineering (17.BMIEJ)

General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Anglistika i jezik struke

Mastering the most important terms related to the students’ future occupation. Development of the strategies for learning and understanding English for biomedical engineering. Listening and reading practice of original English texts from various sources related to certain aspects of their future occupation. The development of oral and written communication related to these topics using appropriate vocabulary and more complex sentence structures.

Students have obtained a corpus of terms related to science, technology and their field of study. So they can successfully deal with a variety of references in this area and communicate topics in English using terms and sentence structures distinctive to the language of their future profession.

Linguistic processing of up-to-date technical articles in English related to different aspects and areas of students’ studies. Developing a strategy for understanding specialized texts such as: skimming, scanning, comparing sources, using context, using background knowledge, etc. . Mastering common terms associated with the profession. Adopting language functions such as comparison, classification, presentation of purposes or functions, describing components, cause and effect relationships and the like. Students practice the usage of the most common prefixes, suffixes, compound words and collocations as well as passive voice, present and past participial. Contracted relative sentences (active and passive), time sentences (active and passive).

The emphasis is on students’ activities during the teaching procedure, their interaction with the teacher and each other as well. Application of communicative approach in English language teaching activity considers exercises that are designed to facilitate and test comprehension as well as practice appropriate occupational vocabulary and other distinctive features of the language of profession. Some of the exercises are prepared so as to encourage students using the knowledge of the field of their studies through comments and explanations and thus, additionally practice and develop their language skills

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Šafranj, J. English for Biomedical Engineering 2015 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad English
Popić, R., Lolić, B., Afgan, N. Naučno-tehnički rečnik : englesko-srpskohrvatski : 80.000 terminoloških jedinica 1989 Privredni pregled, Beograd English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 40.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00

Prof. Šafranj Jelisaveta

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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