Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Theory of Scene Architecture and Design (17.ASM6)

General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field
  • Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenski dizajn
  • History of Art

Introducing students to key terms, phenomena and approaches to theory of scene architecture and design.

Students’ ability to individually and in a group do a research on various theoretical approaches and ideas in the area of scene architecture and design, as well as to apply acquired abilities in their own research and artwork.

Scene architecture and scene design as interdisciplinary art phenomena. Development of the term and understanding of scene architecture. Development of the term and understanding of scene design. Typology of phenomena in scene architecture and design. Development of scene architecture and scene design theories. Space in scene design. Text in scene design. Perception and reception of artworks in scene architecture and design.

Lectures, discussions, worskops.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Kuburović, B., Zupanac Lotker, S. (ur.) Shared Space: Music, Weather, Politics 2015 The Arts and Theatre Institute, Prague English
Leach, R. Makers of modern theatre: an introduction 2004 Routledge, London English
Lotker, S., Černa, M. Intersection - Intimacy and Spectacle 2011 The Arts and Theatre Institute, Prague English
Joseph, S. Actor and Architect 1964 Manchester University Press, Oxford English
Bergner, A. Bruce The Poetics of Stage Space - The Theory nad Process of Theatre Scene Design 2013 Mc Farland&Company, Inc., Publishers English
Hopkins, D. After Modern Art 2000 Oxford University Press, Oxford English
Group of Authors Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2011. At the still point of the turning world: no inside or outside. 2011 Arts and Theatre Institute, Prague English
Batty, M. The New Science of Cities 2013 The MIT Press, Massachusetts English
Hannah, D., Harslof, O. Performance Design 2008 Museum Tusculanum Press, Kopenhagen English
Tufnell, M., Crickmay, C. Body, Space, Image: Notes Towards Improvisation and Performance 2014 Dance Books Ltd., Hempshire English
Simonson, L. The Stage is Set 1963 Theatre Art Books, New York English
Brejzek, T Expanding Scenography: On the Authoring the Space 2011 The Arts and Theatre Institute, Prag, Republika Češka English
Dinulović, R.; Krklješ, M. (urednici) Scene Design - Between Profession, Art and Ideology 2012 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad English
OISTAT World Scenography 1990-2005. Edited by Eric Fielding & Peter McKinnon - OISTAT; Nick Hern Books Ltd, Taipei, London English
Coates, N. Narrative Architecture 2012 Wiley, Chichester English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 45.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projekta No Yes 30.00
Projektni zadatak Yes Yes 15.00
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prof. dr Dadić-Dinulović Tatjana

Redovni profesor iz polja umetnosti

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Assoc. Prof. Milićević Slađana

Associate Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Milićević Slađana

Associate Professor

Practical classes
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prof. dr Dadić-Dinulović Tatjana

Redovni profesor iz polja umetnosti

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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