Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected sections of applied computer graphics and visualization in medicine (17.AID08)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field
  • Teorijska i primenjena matematika
  • Design
  • Design

Acquiring new knowledge and skills related to the modeling of the human body based on digital technologies applied to medical imaging and visualization. Students will be able to gain the skills of real 3D modeling and visualization of individual human organs which will complement their professional portfolio. Being engaged in the design and development of medical devices and appliances through digital technology (diagnostic and clinical applications, content creation which includes medical visualization, simulation of biomedical processes, animation ofapplication of different medical devices - prostheses, heart valves, modeling operations and outcomes of aesthetic interventions etc. ).

Volume and complexity of medical and health information is constantly increasing, but the basic way of how the information is transmitted remained unchanged: illustration, text and words. Studies have shown that there is a great demand, both by patients and health-care workers, for transferring medical information usingthe new, advanced modalities - mainly visual. Visual presentation of physiologic and pathological changes in the body can help in predicting disease development and provides clinicians with useful information on which to base more comfortable decision making and optimization of further treatment plan. The results of education are set as: complete mastering ofall the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of digital 3D visualization of the human body.

Introduction to the human anatomy and modeling / reconstruction of the body in a 3D environment with application in medical education, simulation, medical diagnostics and analysis of the movement of specific body parts or the complete human body. The course will be comprised of two modules: 1) Biomedical module - introduction to anatomy, structure and function of the human body; 2) 3D modeling and animation; applications in medical visualization, volumetric and 3D surface visualization, "in-depth" investigation process.

Embodiments of the course include: lectures, practical laboratory work, term project and consultations. During lectures, the content of the course will be presented and active participation of students will be highly warranted. Student will master all the necessary skills through practiacal computer work

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Yongjie Jessica Zhang Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation from Scanned Images (Chapman&Hall/CRC Mathematical and Computational Imaging Sciences Series) 2016 Chapman and Hall/CRC English
Christoph Klein and Ulrich Ettinger Eye Movement Research: An Introduction to its Scientific Foundations and Applications (Studies in Neuroscience, Psychology and Behavioral Economics) 2019 Springer English
Stanley, Diana Anatomy for Artists 2012 Courier Corporation English
Chris Solomon and Toby Breckon Fundamentals of Digital ImageProcessing: A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab 2011 Wiley English
Fehér, György Human Anatomy for Artists 2000 Könemann English
Bernhard Preim, Dirk Bartz Visualization in Medicine: Theory, Algorithms and Applications 2007 Elsavier English
4. Schider, Fritz An atlas of anatomy for artists 2013 Courier Corporation English
Bernhard Preim and Charl P Botha Visual Computing for Medicine: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics) 2013 Morgan Kaufmann English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 70.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
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Prof. Obradović Ratko

Full Professor


Senior Science Associate Janev Marko

Research Associate

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Prof. Obradović Ratko

Full Professor

Study research work

Senior Science Associate Janev Marko

Research Associate

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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