Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Cultural heritage as an architectural and urban context (17.A931)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field History, Heritage and Protection

The basic goal of the module is a simultaneous assessment of the past, present and future values of cultural heritage, which makes the architectural and urban context of the modern built environment. The specific goal of the module is the philosophical aspect of the layering of cultural heritage through time

Mastering the theoretical principles and doctrine of evolutionary architectural and urban creativity during which cultural heritage is distinguished as a result of public interest. Capability to effectively solve the problems caused by the interaction of inherited and newly designed structures within the built environment.

Cultural heritage as a result of public interest and public interest changeability; Philosophical aspects of architectural creativity; Two current position on cultural heritage - mechanistic and holistic-organic; The principle of dependent formation of cultural heritage; The concept of interdependence and continuity of cultural heritage; Evolutionary process of the system of cultural heritage values; The creation of the built environment by continual disintegration of some of its parts; Defining scenarios or options for the use of cultural heritage as an architectural and urban contexts; Understanding of cultural heritage as a context; The newly generated structure as implants or potentially cultural heritage; Mobility, multiculturalism and globalization as a historically known phenomena; Heritage in dialogue with itself.

Lectures, consultations, workshops, independent research work of students

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
K. Popper The Poverty of Historicism 2002 Routledge Classics English
Mitrovic, Branislav Philosophy for Architects 2011 Princeton Architectural Press English
F.H. Mallgrave The Architect’s Brain. Neuroscience, Creativity, and Architecture 2011 Wiley-Blackwell English
A. Lange Writing about Architecture. Mastering the Language of Buildings and Cities 2012 Princeton Architectural Press English
R.Krier Town Spaces: Contemporary Interpretations in Traditional Urbanism 2006 Birkhäuser English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Term paper Yes Yes 50.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 50.00
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Assoc. Prof. Draganić Anica

Associate Professor


Assoc. Prof. Sladić Todorov Mirjana

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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