Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships
Strategic Partnerships are transnational projects designed to develop and share innovative practices and promote cooperation, peer learning, and exchanges of experiences in the fields of education, training, and youth.
Overall, strategic partnerships aim to address horizontal priorities as well as field specific priorities in the areas of:
• Higher education
• Vocational education and training
• School education
• Adult education, and
• Youth.
There are two kinds of Strategic Partnership; those supporting innovation and those supporting the exchange of good practices.
Strategic Partnerships provide opportunities for a wide variety of public, private, and non-governmental organisations to implement a broad range of activities including, for example:
• Strengthening cooperation and networking between organisations,
• Promoting the development, testing, and implementation of innovative practices,
• Promoting the recognition and validation of knowledge, skills, and competences,
• Promoting cooperation between regional authorities to develop new systems for education, training, and youth,
• Supporting education and training professionals to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in learning

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