01.06.2018. - 09:46 

Pozivamo vas na plenarno predavanje koje će biti održano u okviru 6. Internacionalne konferencije za geometriju i grafiku Mongeometrija 2018 koja se od 6. do 9. juna održava u Novom Sadu na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka.

Plenarno predavanje “Calculated geometries. Design, research and teaching experiments” održaće Jose Pedro Sousa sa Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto.

Termin predavanja je četvrtak 7. jun 2018. godine u 10č u amfiteatru AH1a (FTN, IV sprat, Departman za arhitekturu i urbanizam).

Biografija predavača:

Jose Pedro Sousa is an architect graduated from FAUP (Porto), Master in Genetic Architectures from ESARQ-UIC (Barcelona) and PhD in Architecture from IST-UTL (Lisbon). He was also a Special Student at MIT (Cambridge, MA) and a Visiting Scholar at UPenn (Philadelphia, PA). After teaching at ESARQ-UIC, IAAC and U. Coimbra, he is currently an Assistant Professor at FAUP where he founded and directs the DFL - Digital Fabrication Lab. Merging the realms of teaching, research and practice, his interests have been related with constructive geometry, computational design, digital fabrication, robotics, digital culture, material innovation and cork in architecture.

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