XVII Međunarodna konferencija Industrijski sistemi - IS '17

15.05.2017. - 14:30

Departman za Industrijsko inženjerstvo i menadžment organizuje XVII Međunarodnu konferenciju Industrijski sistemi - IS '17. Svi zainteresovani se pozivaju da uzmu učešće na konferenciji koja će se održati od 4. do 6. oktobra 2017. godine na Andrevlju u hotelu Ceptor.

Rok za slanje abstrakta je 19.05.2017.
Dodatne informacije se mogu pronaći na sajtu konferencije.

Teme konferencije:
Production Systems
• Effective Production Systems,
• Industrial Products Design,
• Manufacturing Processes Design,
• Production and Service Processes Design,
• Production Control and Management,
• Industrial Systems Organization Technology,
• Technological Structures Design,
• Production Structures Design,
• Industrial Production Systems Revival and
• Simulation and Modeling of Production Systems.

Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation
• Working Processes Automation,
• Industrial Robotics,
• Non-Industrial Robotics and Automation,
• Medical Robotics,
• Development and Application of Mechatronic Systems,
• Intelligent Systems,
• Material Handling Automation,
• Automatic Identification Systems,
• Industrial Network Protocols and
• Computer - Integrated Production Systems.

Information Management and Communication Systems
• Information Systems Engineering and Reengineering,
• Analysis and Design of Information Systems,
• Database Systems and Software Engineering,
• XaaS (everything as a service),
• Information System Integration,
• Video and Modern Communication Systems,
• Computer Integrated Systems and Open Architectures,
• Information Systems Security,
• CAE/CAD/CAM Systems in Industrial Engineering,
• Software quality assurance and control,
• Empirical research in software engineering,
• E-Government Systems,
• Enterprise Architecture,
• Business Information Systems,
• ERP and CAPM Systems and Their Applications,
• Information Management and Enterprise Content Management,
• Business Process Integration and Management,
• Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems and
• Data Mining and Machine Learning.

Quality, Effectiveness and Logistics
• Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001, ISO 9004 ...),
• Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001, EMAS ...),
• Reliability and Effectiveness of Technical Systems,
• Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001, OHSAS 18002 ...),
• Maintenance,
• Lean Maintenance,
• Engineering Problem Solving,
• Technical Diagnostics,
• Logistic,
• Green & Reverse Logistics,
• E Logistics,
• Operations Management,
• Lean Logistics,
• Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma,
• Supply Chain Management,
• Customer Relationship Management,
• Food Safety Management Systems (HACCP, ISO 22000, GlobalGAP ...),
• Information Security Management Systems (ISO 27001, ISO 27002, IASME, ...),
• Risk Management (ISO 31000, ISO/TR 31004 ...),
• Energy Management Systems (ISO 50001, ...),
• Laboratory Accreditation (ISO 17020, ISO 17025, ...) and
• Integrated Management Systems.

Engeneering Management
• Management of Manufacturing and Service Processes,
• Product Lifecycle Management - PLM,
• Sustainable Development,
• Technological Forecasting,
• Corporative Strategies,
• Marketing & Corporate Communication,
• Industrial Entrepreneurship,
• Technological Management,
• Investment Management,
• Project Management,
• Human Resources Management,
• Energy Management,
• Corporate Restructuring,
• Business Processes Automation,
• Distance Learning and Virtual Teams,
• Insurance Engineering and Management and
• Media Engineering and Management.

Belt & Road Initiative (BRI)
• Danube region and the Silk Road,
• Social Media and E-commerce Connecting BRI,
• Global Project Management Under BRI and
• Modern Education Technologies in BRI Development.