Predavanje: SPACE TETHERS and SPACE WEBS 1996-2011

10.09.2011. - 00:00
U četvrtak, 15. septembra 2011. godine sa početkom u 11 časova u Zbornici Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu (F-blok) biće održano predavanje SPACE TETHERS and SPACE WEBS 1996-2011.

Predavanje će održati jedan od najeminentnijih svetskih stručnjaka iz oblasti nelinearne dinamike MATTHEW CARTMELL , James Watt Professor of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom,
Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Sound and Vibration (

Predavanje se organizuje u okviru projekta ‘Oscilatori sa parametarskom pobudom: ponašanje, fenomeni i primena’, finansiranog od strane Pokrajinskog sekretarijata za nauku i tehnološki razvoj AP Vojvodine, čiji je rukovodilac dr Ivana Kovačić, sa
Departmana za tehničku mehaniku Fakulteta tehničkih nauka.

Abstract: This lecture will discuss the fundamental principles of momentum exchange space tethers, in orbital contexts, and will show that rigid body equations of motion can be derived and then used to obtain useful solutions defining some of the global dynamics of these systems. It will also be shown that by introducing flexibility into the tether we can begin to understand more about the complicated flexural motions that can be developed within tether systems. Some instances of technology implementations will also be discussed and a far-future role for parametric vibration will be mentioned. The lecture will conclude with a short summary of the current state of research at the University of Glasgow.