Europe needs researchers – The JRC is recruiting

06.10.2010. - 00:00
On 30 September 2010, the JRC launched jobs competition through the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) in order to enhance its scientific support to EU policy making.

Over 270 successful candidates will be retained on reserve lists to meet the JRC’s needs in the coming years. Recruitment possibilities exist at the JRC’s research institutes, located in Italy (Ispra), Spain (Seville), the Netherlands (Petten), Germany (Karlsruhe) and Belgium (Geel).

Researchers with the right blend of competence, experience and language skills are encouraged to apply in one of the following fields:

   Chemistry, Biology and Health Sciences
   Structural Mechanics
   Quantitative Policy Analysis
   Spatial Sciences
   Environmental Sciences
   Energy Sciences
   Communication/Information Technology

The competitions are open to all EU nationals having the required university qualification, a proven record in research and a satisfactory knowledge of English, French or German. Vacancies are available for researchers at AD6 and AD7 levels, corresponding to professional experience of at least three or six years respectively in the chosen field.

Candidates can fill in their on-line application between 30 September and 4 November at:

Please find attached the flyer for the competitions and more links below:

For more information on the JRC competitions:

JRC website: