
Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Computer Aided Production Management (17.IZM005)

General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field
  • Automatic Control and System Engineering
  • Information-Communication Systems

The subject has a goal to offer need knowledge in the field of computer aided production management in industrial production systems, and to prepare students for applications of modern software means and tools dedicated for that aims. After of studying and successfully understanding of the subject, students will to be introduced in area of CAPM technologies and will acquire great volume of knowledge and skills which are applicable in the mentioned field of engineering and practice.

In the result of studying and active participation in teaching process, students would to have need and enough level of training in the field of analysis and design of systems for computer aided production management and their applications in real industrial systems.

Introduction. Basic concepts in the area and their explanations. Goals and major principles of production systems management. Real time and real time management. Effectiveness and integrability of management systems. Information technologies and systems for management support. Major elements of CAPM systems. Principles and means of system analysis. Fundamental laws of industrial production. Principles of transformation of production laws to formal description of management system. Data bases in CAPM systems.Data area with permanent existence. Temporary part of CAPM data base. Implementation of data base. Software support of CAPM - structure and elements. The principles of open system architecture in the case of production management. B2B and similar architectural concepts in production management. Presentation and comparative analysis of some MRP, ERP and CAPM solutions.

Teaching lectures are perform frontal and with using of modern didactic means. Study research work is used to prepare students to accomplish mandatory subject group project.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
C. Chatfield, T. Johnson Microsoft Project 2000 Step by Step 2000 Microsoft Press English
Robert H. Bishop The Mechatronics Handbook 2002 CRC PRESS English
Pawlak, A.M. Sensors and Actuators in Mechatronics: Design and Applications 2007 CRC : Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton English
Groover, M.P. Automation Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 2001 Prentice Hall, New York English
Kirk, D.E. Optimal Control Theory 1970 Prentice-Hall, New Jersey English
Lee, Kunwoo Principles of CAD / CAM / CAE Systems 1999 Addison-Wesley English
Vollman, T. E. Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management 2005 Irwin / McGraw-Hill English
Childe, S. J. An Introduction to Computer Aided Production Management 1997 Kluwer Academic Pub. English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Project Yes Yes 40.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Computer exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00

Prof. Andraš Anderla

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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