Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Human resource development strategy from the point of view of health and safety at work (17.ZRD234)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

The goal of this course is to (1) acquiring the necessary knowledge in order to develop human resources and care for the safety and health of employees placed at the strategic level of the organization, (2) identification of links between the success and development of the contemporary organization and its relationship to the development of human resources in the field safety and health at work, and (3) the acquisition of practical skills and knowledge in the field of human resource development from the perspective of safety and health at work.

Educational outcome:

Students will be (1) able to recognize the importance of strategic human resource development in contemporary organizations and the importance of strategic relationships to health and safety at work of employees, (2) meet the needs and capabilities of developing different strategies that organizations can define the process of establishing the conditions for security health and safety, (3) able to develop an effective strategy and plan for the development of human resources regarding of safety and health at work in the organization, (4) introduced with the operational aspects of the development process, ie, employee training, with emphasis on issues of health and safety at work and measures that modern organizations should take to promote safety and health at work.

Course content:

Context of human resource development - the debate and the implications for human resource development in the field of security and safety at work; Strategic basis of the concept of human resource development, strategic human resource development and human resource development strategies; Intervention from staff training to learning as a way of life - the organizational dimension of development human resources and human resource development from the standpoint of safety and health at work, The concept of "learning organization" and the application of modern business; Transformational change management from the perspective of human resource development and human resource development perspectives from the viewpoint of safety and health at work; Analysis of organizational culture for the development of an effective learning environment and review of health and safety at work (learning from previous experience and / or mistakes, learning from emergencies, etc..); Role of human resources in the creation of synergy organization; Impact of human resource development from the standpoint of safety and health Work on the quality and productivity of forests contributes to the development of human resources, Organizational development value (commitment, business ethics, diversity management), Process development and training of employees from the standpoint of safety and health at work - operational aspects

Teaching methods:

Teaching is done through lectures, study research and consultation during the preparation of the project. The essence of the approach to the subjects of human resource strategy from the standpoint of safety and health at work in the use and application of theoretical knowledge in the analysis of case studies from real organizations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Kearns, P. HR Strategy - Business focused, individualy centred 2003 Butterworth Heinemann - Elsevier, London English
Beardwell, I., Holden, L., Claydon, T. Human Resource Management 2004 Prentice Hall, Harlow, England English
Nikolić, V., Živković, N. Bezbednost radne i životne sredine, vanredne situacije i obrazovanje 2010 Fakultet zaštite na radu, Niš Serbian language
Živković, S. Uloga i značaj lica za bezbednost i zdravlje na radu u privrednim društvima u Republici Srbiji 2011 Fakultet zaštite na radu, Niš Serbian language
Ivancevich, J.M. Human Resources Management 2007 McGraw-Hill Irvin, New York English
Reid, M.A., Barrington, H., Brown, M. Human Resource Development 2004 CIPD House, London English
Walton, J. Strategic Human Resource Development 1999 Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Harlow, England English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00

prof. dr Duđak Ljubica

Full Professor

Study research work

prof. dr Duđak Ljubica

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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